ktImportXML - explore hierarchical metagenomic data with zoomable
pie charts
Creates a Krona chart from xml data describing each node and how
the chart should look.
ktImportXML [options] <XML_file>
- XML_file
- A file containing XML tags that specify chart attributes and describe the
node hierarchy. An XML header is not necessary. For a complete description
of XML tags, see: https://sourceforge.net/p/krona/wiki/KronaTools/
- [-o <string>]
- Output file name. [Default: 'xml.krona.html']
- [-u <string>]
- URL of Krona resources to use instead of bundling them with the chart
(e.g. "http://krona.sourceforge.net"). Reduces size of charts
and allows updates, though charts will not work without access to this