RC(1) | General Commands Manual | RC(1) |
rc - shell
rc [-deiIlnopsvx] [-c command] [arguments]
rc is a command interpreter and programming language similar to sh(1). It is based on the AT&T Plan 9 shell of the same name. The shell offers a C-like syntax (much more so than the C shell), and a powerful mechanism for manipulating variables. It is reasonably small and reasonably fast, especially when compared to contemporary shells. Its use is intended to be interactive, but the language lends itself well to scripts.
rc -c 'echo $*' 1 2 3
1 2 3
A simple command is a sequence of words, separated by white space (space and tab) characters that ends with a newline, semicolon (;), or ampersand (&). The first word of a command is the name of that command. If the name begins with /, ./, or ../, then the name is used as an absolute path name referring to an executable file. Otherwise, the name of the command is looked up in a table of shell functions, builtin commands, or as a file in the directories named by $path.
A command ending with & is run in the background; that is, the shell returns immediately rather than waiting for the command to complete. Background commands have /dev/null connected to their standard input unless an explicit redirection for standard input is used.
A command prefixed with an at-sign (@) is executed in a subshell. This insulates the parent shell from the effects of state changing operations such as a cd or a variable assignment. For example:
@ {cd ..; make}
will run make(1) in the parent directory (..), but leaves the shell running in the current directory.
A long logical line may be continued over several physical lines by terminating each line (except the last) with a backslash (\). The backslash-newline sequence is treated as a space. A backslash is not otherwise special to rc. (In addition, inside quotes a backslash loses its special meaning even when it is followed by a newline.)
rc interprets several characters specially; special characters automatically terminate words. The following characters are special:
# ; & | ^ $ ` ' { } ( ) < >
The single quote (') prevents special treatment of any character other than itself. All characters, including control characters, newlines, and backslashes between two quote characters are treated as an uninterpreted string. A quote character itself may be quoted by placing two quotes in a row. The minimal sequence needed to enter the quote character is ''''. The empty string is represented by ''. Thus:
echo 'What''s the plan, Stan?'
prints out
What's the plan, Stan?
The number sign (#) begins a comment in rc. All characters up to but not including the next newline are ignored. Note that backslash continuation does not work inside a comment, i.e., the backslash is ignored along with everything else.
Zero or more commands may be grouped within braces (“{” and “}”), and are then treated as one command. Braces do not otherwise define scope; they are used only for command grouping. In particular, be wary of the command:
for (i) { command } | command
Since pipe binds tighter than for, this command does not perform what the user expects it to. Instead, enclose the whole for statement in braces:
{for (i) command} | command
Fortunately, rc's grammar is simple enough that a (confident) user can understand it by examining the skeletal yacc(1) grammar at the end of this man page (see the section entitled GRAMMAR).
The standard output may be redirected to a file with
command > file
and the standard input may be taken from a file with
command < file
Redirections can appear anywhere in the line: the word following the redirection symbol is the filename and must be quoted if it contains spaces or other special characters. These are all equivalent.
echo 1 2 3 > foo > foo echo 1 2 3 echo 1 2 > foo 3
File descriptors other than 0 and 1 may be specified also. For example, to redirect standard error to a file, use:
command >[2] file
In order to duplicate a file descriptor, use >[n=m]. Thus to redirect both standard output and standard error to the same file, use
command > file >[2=1]
As in sh, redirections are processed from left to right. Thus this sequence
command >[2=1] > file
is usually a mistake. It first duplicates standard error to standard output; then redirects standard output to a file, leaving standard error wherever standard output originally was.
To close a file descriptor that may be open, use >[n=]. For example, to close file descriptor 7:
command >[7=]
Note that no spaces may appear in these constructs:
command > [2] file
would send the output of the command to a file named [2], with the intended filename appearing in the command's argument list.
In order to place the output of a command at the end of an already existing file, use:
command >> file
If the file does not exist, then it is created.
“Here documents” are supported as in sh with the use of
command << 'eof-marker'
Subsequent lines form the standard input of the command, till a line containing just the marker, in this case eof-marker, is encountered.
If the end-of-file marker is enclosed in quotes, then no variable substitution occurs inside the here document. Otherwise, every variable is substituted by its space-separated-list value (see Flat Lists, below), and if a ^ character follows a variable name, it is deleted. This allows the unambiguous use of variables adjacent to text, as in
To include a literal $ in a here document when an unquoted end-of-file marker is being used, enter it as $$.
Additionally, rc supports “here strings”, which are like here documents, except that input is taken directly from a string on the command line. Their use is illustrated here:
cat <<< 'this is a here string' | wc
(This feature enables rc to export functions using here documents into the environment; the author does not expect users to find this feature useful.)
Two or more commands may be combined in a pipeline by placing the vertical bar (|) between them. The standard output (file descriptor 1) of the command on the left is tied to the standard input (file descriptor 0) of the command on the right. The notation |[n=m] indicates that file descriptor n of the left process is connected to file descriptor m of the right process. |[n] is a shorthand for |[n=0]. As an example, to pipe the standard error of a command to wc(1), use:
command |[2] wc
As with file redirections, no spaces may occur in the construct specifying numbered file descriptors.
The exit status of a pipeline is considered true if and only if every command in the pipeline exits true.
Some commands, like cmp(1) or diff(1), take their arguments on the command line, and do not read input from standard input. It is convenient sometimes to build nonlinear pipelines so that a command like cmp can read the output of two other commands at once. rc does it like this:
cmp <{command} <{command}
compares the output of the two commands in braces. Note: since this form of redirection is implemented with some kind of pipe, and since one cannot lseek(2) on a pipe, commands that use lseek(2) will hang. For example, some versions of diff(1) use lseek(2) on their inputs.
Data can be sent down a pipe to several commands using tee(1) and the output version of this notation:
echo hi there | tee >{sed 's/^/p1 /'} >{sed 's/^/p2 /'}
The following may be used for control flow in rc:
if (test) {
if (test) command
for (i in `{ls -F | grep '\*$' | sed 's/\*$//'}) { commands }
There are a number of operators in rc which depend on the exit status of a command.
command && command
executes the first command and then executes the second command if and only if the first command exits with a zero exit status (“true” in Unix).
command || command
executes the first command and then executes the second command if and only if the first command exits with a nonzero exit status (“false” in Unix).
! command
negates the exit status of a command.
There are two forms of pattern matching in rc. One is traditional shell globbing. This occurs in matching for file names in argument lists:
command argument argument ...
When the characters *, [ or ? occur in an argument or command, rc looks at the argument as a pattern for matching against files. (Contrary to the behavior other shells exhibit, rc will only perform pattern matching if a metacharacter occurs unquoted and literally in the input. Thus,
foo='*' echo $foo
will always echo just a star. In order for non-literal metacharacters to be expanded, an eval statement must be used in order to rescan the input.) Pattern matching occurs according to the following rules: a * matches any number (including zero) of characters. A ? matches any single character, and a [ followed by a number of characters followed by a ] matches a single character in that class. The rules for character class matching are the same as those for ed(1), with the exception that character class negation is achieved with the tilde (~), not the caret (^), since the caret already means something else in rc.
rc also matches patterns against strings with the ~ command:
~ subject pattern pattern ...
The ~ command succeeds (sets $status to zero) if and only if one of the patterns matches subject. Thus
~ foo f*
succeeds (sets status to zero), while
~ bar f*
fails (sets status to one).
The null list is matched by the null list, so
~ $foo ()
checks to see whether $foo is empty or not. Because rc does not have hierarchical lists, the test for emptiness cannot be combined with other tests. To test whether $foo is empty, or one of the strings nada or rien, do not write
~ $x () nada rien # WRONG means the same as: ~ $x nada rien
instead write
~ $x () || ~ $x nada rien
Another way to test if $foo is empty is
~ $#foo 0
Note that inside a ~ command rc does not match patterns against file names, so it is not necessary to quote the characters *, [ and ?. However, rc does expand the subject against filenames if it contains metacharacters. Thus, the command
~ * ?
succeeds if any of the files in the current directory have a single-character name.
If the ~ command is given a list as its first argument, then a successful match against any of the elements of that list will cause ~ to succeed. For example:
~ (foo goo zoo) z*
is true.
The primary data structure in rc is the list, which is a sequence of words. Parentheses are used to group lists. The empty list is represented by (). Lists have no hierarchical structure; a list inside another list is expanded so the outer list contains all the elements of the inner list. Thus, the following are all equivalent
one two three (one two three) ((one) () ((two three)))
Note that the null string, '', and the null list, (), are two very different things. Assigning the null string to a variable is a valid operation, but it does not remove its definition.
null = '' empty = () echo $#null $#empty
produces the output
1 0
Two lists may be joined by the concatenation operator (^). Concatenation works according to the following rules: if the two lists have the same number of elements, then concatenation is pairwise:
echo (a- b- c-)^(1 2 3)
produces the output
a-1 b-2 c-3
Otherwise, at least one of the lists must have a single element, and then the concatenation is distributive:
cc -^(O g c) (malloc alloca)^.c
has the effect of performing the command
cc -O -g -c malloc.c alloca.c
A single word is a list of length one, so
echo foo^bar
produces the output
rc inserts carets (concatenation operators) for free in certain situations, in order to save some typing on the user's behalf. For example, the above example could also be typed in as:
opts=(O g c) files=(malloc alloca) cc -$opts $files.c
rc takes care to insert a free caret between the ``-'' and $opts, as well as between $files and .c. The rule for free carets is as follows: if a word or keyword is immediately followed by another word, keyword, dollar-sign or backquote, then rc inserts a caret between them.
A list may be assigned to a variable, using the notation:
var = list
The special variable * may also be assigned to using this notation; rc has no set builtin.
Any non-empty sequence of characters, except a sequence including only digits, may be used as a variable name. Any character except = may be used, but special characters must be quoted. All user-defined variables are exported into the environment.
The value of a variable is referenced with the dollar ($) operator:
Any variable which has not been assigned a value returns the null list, (), when referenced. Multiple references are allowed:
a = foo b = a echo $ $ b
A variable's definition may also be removed by assigning the null list to a variable:
For “free careting” to work correctly, rc must make certain assumptions about what characters may appear in a variable name. rc assumes that a variable name consists only of alphanumeric characters, underscore (_) and star (*). To reference a variable with other characters in its name, quote the variable name. Thus:
echo $'we$Ird:Variab!le'
Any number of variable assignments may be made local to a single command by typing:
a=foo b=bar ... command
The command may be a compound command, so for example:
path=. ifs=() { ... }
sets path to . and removes ifs for the duration of one long compound command.
Variables may be subscripted with the notation
where n is a list of integers (origin 1). The opening parenthesis must immediately follow the variable name. The list of subscripts need not be in order or even unique. Thus,
a=(one two three) echo $a(3 3 3)
three three three
If n references a nonexistent element, then $var(n) returns the null list. The notation $n, where n is an integer, is a shorthand for $*(n). Thus, rc's arguments may be referred to as $1, $2, and so on.
Note also that the list of subscripts may be given by any of rc's list operations:
$var(`{awk 'BEGIN{for(i=1;i<=10;i++)print i;exit; }'})
returns the first 10 elements of $var.
To count the number of elements in a variable, use
This returns a single-element list, with the number of elements in $var.
In order to create a single-element list from a multi-element list, with the components space-separated, use the dollar-caret ($^) operator:
This is useful when the normal list concatenation rules need to be bypassed. For example, to append a single period at the end of $path, use:
echo $^path.
For compatibility with the Plan 9 rc,
is accepted as a synonym for dollar-caret.
A list may be formed from the output of a command by using backquote substitution:
`{ command }
returns a list formed from the standard output of the command in braces. $ifs is used to split the output into list elements. By default, $ifs has the value space-tab-newline.
The braces may be omitted if the command is a single word. Thus `ls may be used instead of `{ls}. This last feature can be used to create shortcuts by defining functions that expand to useful argument lists. For example:
fn src { echo *.[chy] }
followed by
wc `src
This will print out a word-count of all C source files in the current directory.
In order to override the value of $ifs for a single backquote substitution, use:
`` (ifs-list) { command }
$ifs will be temporarily ignored and the command's output will be split as specified by the list following the double backquote. For example:
`` ($nl :) {cat /etc/passwd}
splits up /etc/passwd into fields.
As a convenience, rc defines $nl to contain the newline character, and $tab to contain the tab character. Thus, if you want to process everything in the current directory, but in a random order, you could use:
for (f in `` $nl {ls | shuf}) { ... process $f }
This will correctly handle filenames that contain spaces.
Note that rc scripts that use backquote substitution should avoid relying on the default values of $ifs, $nl, or $tab. Instead, they should explicitly set what they need.
Several variables are known to rc and are treated specially. In the following list, “default” indicates that rc gives the variable a default value on startup; “no-export” indicates that the variable is never exported; and “read-only” indicates that an attempt to set the variable will silently have no effect.
Also, “alias” means that the variable is aliased to the same name in capitals. For example, an assignment to $cdpath causes an automatic assignment to $CDPATH, and vice-versa. If $CDPATH is set when rc is started, its value is imported into $cdpath. $cdpath and $path are rc lists; $CDPATH and $PATH are colon-separated lists. Only the names spelt in capitals are exported into the environment.
echo foo |grep bar; whatis status
status=(0 1)
x=`{echo foo |grep bar}; whatis bqstatus
ls | wc
rc functions are identical to rc scripts, except that they are stored in memory and are automatically exported into the environment. A shell function is declared as:
fn name { commands }
rc scans the definition until the close-brace, so the function can span more than one line. The function definition may be removed by typing
fn name
(One or more names may be specified. With an accompanying definition, all names receive the same definition. This is sometimes useful for assigning the same signal handler to many signals. Without a definition, all named functions are deleted.) When a function is executed, $* is set to the arguments to that function for the duration of the command. Thus a reasonable definition for l, a shorthand for ls(1), could be:
fn l { ls -FC $* }
but not
fn l { ls -FC } # WRONG
rc recognizes a number of signals, and allows the user to define shell functions which act as signal handlers. rc by default traps SIGINT when it is in interactive mode. SIGQUIT and SIGTERM are ignored, unless rc has been invoked with the -d flag. However, user-defined signal handlers may be written for these and all other signals. The way to define a signal handler is to write a function by the name of the signal in lower case. Thus:
fn sighup { echo hangup; rm /tmp/rc$pid.*; exit }
In addition to Unix signals, rc recognizes the artificial signal SIGEXIT which occurs as rc is about to exit.
In order to remove a signal handler's definition, remove it as though it were a regular function. For example:
fn sigint
returns the handler of SIGINT to the default value. In order to ignore a signal, set the signal handler's value to {}. Thus:
fn sigint {}
causes SIGINT to be ignored by the shell. Only signals that are being ignored are passed on to programs run by rc; signal functions are not exported.
On System V-based Unix systems, rc will not allow you to trap SIGCLD.
Builtin commands execute in the context of the shell, but otherwise behave exactly like other commands. Although !, ~ and @ are not strictly speaking builtin commands, they can usually be used as such.
. -i /dev/tty
fn ls { builtin ls -FC $* }
fn ls { ls -FC $* } # WRONG
exec >[2] err.out
flag e +
limit coredumpsize 0
limit `{limit -h datasize}
return (sigpipe 1 2 3)
whatis -- -p
The shift builtin only shifts $*. This function can shift any variable (except $_lshift).
fn lshift { _lshift=$* *=$$1 { shift $_lshift(2); $_lshift(1)=$* } }
With this definition in place,
walrus = (shoes ships sealing-wax cabbages kings) lshift walrus 3 whatis walrus
walrus=(cabbages kings)
The $^var operator flattens a list by separating each element with a space. This function allows the separator to be an arbitrary string.
fn lflat { lflat=$*; *=$$1 while () { echo -n $1; shift ~ $#* 0 && break echo -n $lflat(2) } }
With this definition in place,
hops=(uunet mcvax ukc tlg) lflat hops !
prints (with no final newline)
The exit status of rc is normally the same as that of the last command executed. If the last command was a pipeline, rc exits 0 if every command in the pipeline did; otherwise it exits 1.
rc can be made to exit with a particular status using the exit builtin.
rc is typically built against a line editing library. On GNU/Linux systems this will usually be the GNU readline library. On *BSD systems it is more likely to be the BSD editline library. Please consult the appropriate library documentation for details of how to use and configure line editing.
Since rc does not support tilde expansion (converting ~foo to the home directory of user foo), it is sometimes suggested by users as a possible enhancement. The authors and maintainers of rc have a proud history of resisting such feature requests. So it is worth noting here that GNU readline can expand tildes. Add this line to the file .inputrc in your home directory.
set expand-tilde on
and then use the key sequence M-~ to perform tilde expansion on the current word. See the readline documentation for further details.
Here is rc's grammar, edited to remove semantic actions.
%term ANDAND BACKBACK BANG CASE COUNT DUP ELSE END FLAT FN FOR IF IN %term OROR PIPE REDIR SUB SUBSHELL SWITCH TWIDDLE WHILE WORD HUH %left '^' '=' %left WHILE ')' ELSE %left ANDAND OROR '\n' %left BANG SUBSHELL %left PIPE %right '$' %left SUB %start rc %% rc: line end | error end end: END /* EOF */ | '\n' cmdsa: cmd ';' | cmd '&' line: cmd | cmdsa line body: cmd | cmdsan body cmdsan: cmdsa | cmd '\n' brace: '{' body '}' paren: '(' body ')' assign: first optcaret '=' optcaret word epilog: /* empty */ | redir epilog redir: DUP | REDIR word case: CASE words ';' | CASE words '\n' cbody: cmd | case cbody | cmdsan cbody iftail: cmd %prec ELSE | brace ELSE optnl cmd cmd : /* empty */ %prec WHILE | simple | brace epilog | IF paren optnl iftail | FOR '(' word IN words ')' optnl cmd | FOR '(' word ')' optnl cmd | WHILE paren optnl cmd | SWITCH '(' word ')' optnl '{' cbody '}' | TWIDDLE optcaret word words | cmd ANDAND optnl cmd | cmd OROR optnl cmd | cmd PIPE optnl cmd | redir cmd %prec BANG | assign cmd %prec BANG | BANG optcaret cmd | SUBSHELL optcaret cmd | FN words brace | FN words optcaret: /* empty */ %prec '^' | '^' simple: first | first args args: arg | args arg arg: word | redir first: comword | first '^' sword sword: comword | keyword word: sword | word '^' sword comword: '$' sword | '$' sword SUB words ')' | COUNT sword | FLAT sword | '`' sword | '`' brace | BACKBACK word brace | BACKBACK word sword | '(' words ')' | REDIR brace | WORD keyword: FOR | IN | WHILE | IF | SWITCH | FN | ELSE | CASE | TWIDDLE | BANG | SUBSHELL | '=' words: /* empty */ | words word optnl: /* empty */ | optnl '\n'
$HOME/.rcrc, /tmp/rc*, /dev/null
rc was written by Byron Rakitzis, with valuable help from Paul Haahr, Hugh Redelmeier and David Sanderson. The design of this shell was copied from the rc that Tom Duff wrote at Bell Labs.
There is a compile-time limit on the number of ; separated commands in a line: usually 500. This is sometimes a problem for automatically generated scripts: substituting the newline character for ; avoids the limit.
On modern systems that support /dev/fd or /proc/self/fd, <{foo} style redirection is implemented that way. However, on older systems it is implemented with named pipes. Allegedly, it is sometimes possible to foil rc into removing the FIFO it places in /tmp prematurely, or it is even possible to cause rc to hang. (The current maintainer has never seen this, but then he doesn't use systems which lack /dev/fd any more. If anybody can reproduce this problem, please let the maintainer know.)
The echo command does not need to be a builtin. It is one for reasons of performance and portability (of rc scripts).
There should be a way to avoid exporting a variable.
Extra parentheses around a ~ expression or a ! expression are a syntax error. Thus, this code is illegal.
while ((~ $1 -*) && (! ~ $1 --)) { ...
Variable subscripting cannot be used in here documents.
The limit builtin silently ignores extra arguments.
Backquote substitution never produces empty strings - multiple consecutive occurrences of the separator are treated the same as a single occurrence.
ifs=! { x = `{echo -n a!!b}; whatis x } x=(a b) # NOT x=(a '' b)
Bug reports should be mailed to <toby@paccrat.org>.
Here is a list of features which distinguish this incarnation of rc from the one described in the Bell Labs manual pages:
The Tenth Edition rc does not have the else keyword. Instead, if is optionally followed by an if not clause which is executed if the preceding if test does not succeed.
Backquotes are slightly different in Tenth Edition rc: a backquote must always be followed by a left-brace. This restriction is not present for single-word commands in this rc.
For . file, the Tenth Edition rc searches $path for file. This rc does not, since it is not considered useful.
The list flattening operator, $^foo, is spelt $"foo in those versions of the Bell Labs rc which have it.
The following are all new with this version of rc: The -n flag, here strings (they facilitate exporting of functions with here documents into the environment), the return and break keywords, the echo builtin, the bqstatus and version variables, the prompt function, support for GNU readline and other line editing libraries. This rc also sets $0 to the name of a function being executed/file being sourced.
“rc — A Shell for Plan 9 and UNIX Systems”, Unix Research System, Tenth Edition, Volume 2. (Saunders College Publishing)
http://static.tobold.org/rc/rc-duff.html, an updated version of the above paper.
2015-05-13 |