remote-logon-config-agent(1) | Arctica Greeter | remote-logon-config-agent(1) |
remote-logon-config-agent - Retrieve JSON based remote logon information
[ options ]
remote-logon-config-agent is a tiny tool for retrieving JSON-based remote logon information from broker servers (like, e.g., X2Go Session Broker, Arctica Server) and handing that over to the DBus service remote-logon-service.
The remote-logon-config-agent and the remote-logon-service both are components of Arctica Greeter, facilitating user logins into session running on remote machines.
Here is a short example for retrieving session information from the X2Go Session Broker (make sure the broker has UCCS frontend support enabled:
$ SERVER_ROOT=http://x2gobroker.localdomain:8080/uccs/inifile/
$ export SERVER_ROOT
$ echo <mypassword> | thin-client-config-agent <myuserid>
remote-logon-serivice (1), arctica-greeter (1)
This manual has been written for the Arctica Project ( by Mike Gabriel <>
May 2017 | Version 0.9 |