sambamba-mileup - make a pileup
sambamba mpileup OPTIONS <input1.bam> <input2.bam> [...] [--samtools samtools mpileup args] [--bcftools bcftools args]
Parallel version of samtools mpileup in map-reduce fashion. Sambamba splits input BAM files into chunks and feeds them to samtools mpileup and, optionally, bcftools in parallel. The chunks are slightly overlapping so that variant calling should not be impacted by these manipulations. The obtained results from the multiple processes are combined as ordered output. Named pipes are created in TMPDIR.
Sambamba mpileup relies on external tools and acts as a multi-core implementation of samtools + bcftools. Therefore, the following tools should be present in the PATH:
* samtools * bcftools (when used)
January 2015 |