sambamba-view - tool for extracting information from SAM/BAM files
sambamba view OPTIONS <input.bam | input.sam> [region1 [...]]
sambamba view allows to efficiently filter SAM/BAM files for alignments satisfying various conditions, as well as access its SAM header and information about reference sequences. In order to make these data readily available for consumption by scripts in Perl/Python/Ruby, JSON output is provided.
By default, the tool expects BAM file as an input. In order to work with SAM, specify -S|--sam-input as a command-line option, the tool does NOT try to guess file format from the extension. Beware that when reading SAM, the tool will skip tags which don´t conform to the SAM/BAM specification, and set invalid fields to their default values.
Filtering is presented in two ways. First, you can specify a condition with -F option, using a special language for filtering, described at
Second, if you have an indexed BAM file, several regions can be specified as well. The syntax for regions is the same as in samtools: chr:beg-end where beg and end are 1-based start and end of a closed-end interval on the reference chr.
Alignment record JSON representation is a hash with keys ´qname´, ´flag´, ´rname´, ´pos´, ´mapq´, ´cigar´, ´rnext´, ´qual´, ´tags´, e.g.
JSON representation mimics SAM format except quality is given as an array of integers.
Postprocessing JSON output is best accomplished with
The output is one line per read, for building a proper JSON array pipe the output into jq --slurp.
Print basic reference sequence information:
$ sambamba view --reference-info ex1_header.bam
Count reads with mapping quality not less than 50:
$ sambamba view -c -F "mapping_quality >= 50" ex1_header.bam
Count properly paired reads overlapping 100..200 on chr1:
$ sambamba view -c -F "proper_pair" ex1_header.bam chr1:100-200
Output header in JSON format:
$ sambamba view --header --format=json ex1_header.bam
For more information on the original samtools VIEW behaviour, check out the samtools documentation
June 2016 |