Raptor - A fast and space-efficient pre-filter for querying very large collections of nucleotide sequences.
raptor search --error 2 --index raptor.index --query queries.fastq --output search.output
Last update: 2021-08-20--no-git
Raptor version: 2.0.1
Sharg version: 1.0.0
SeqAn version: 3.2.0
Raptor Copyright: BSD 3-Clause License
Author: Enrico Seiler
Contact: enrico.seiler@fu-berlin.de
SeqAn Copyright: 2006-2022 Knut Reinert, FU-Berlin; released under the
3-clause BSDL.
In your academic works please cite: Raptor: A fast and space-efficient
pre-filter for querying very large collections of nucleotide sequences;
Enrico Seiler, Svenja Mehringer, Mitra Darvish, Etienne Turc, and Knut
Reinert; iScience 2021 24 (7): 102782. doi:
For full copyright and/or warranty information see --copyright.
2021-08-20--no-git | raptor 2.0.1 (74f815358db47037e93a56b826a9df3692e55680--no-git) |