DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / simkamin / simkaMin_update.1.en

simkaMin_update - comparative metagenomics method dedicated to NGS datasets

(1 arg) : input file of datasets (datasets to add to existing simka results
(1 arg) : path to existing simka results to update (existing results will be overwritten)
(1 arg) : path to simkaMinCore program (to be specified if not in PATH, or not in standard installation directory <simkaDir>/build/bin/simkaMinCore)

(1 arg) : number of cores [Default: 0]
(1 arg) : max memory (MB) [Default: 8000]

(0 arg) : filter out k-mer seen one time (potentially erroneous)

(1 arg) : maximum number of reads per sample to process [Default: 0]
(1 arg) : minimal size a read should have to be kept [Default: 0]
(1 arg) : minimal Shannon index a read should have to be kept. Float in [0,2] [Default: 0]

This manpage was written by Shayan Doust for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

September 2019 simkaMin_update 1.5.1