snp-sites - finds SNP sites from a multi FASTA alignment file
snp-sites [-mvph] [-o output_filename] [input file]
This application takes in a multi fasta alignment, finds all the SNP sites, then outputs the SNP sites in either of the following formats:
snp-sites my-alignment.aln
snp-sites my-gzipped-alignment.aln.gz
snp-sites -cb -o output_beast_format.aln inputfile.aln
Input files should look like this:
>reference_sequence aaccggtt >comparison_sequence AACCGGTT >another_comparison_sequence AACCGCTT
For more examples, visit: <>
snp-sites was originally written by Andrew Page ( <>)
If you use this program, please cite: "SNP-sites: rapid efficient extraction of SNPs from multi-FASTA alignments", Andrew J. Page, Ben Taylor, Aidan J. Delaney, Jorge Soares, Torsten Seemann, Jacqueline A. Keane, Simon R. Harris (2016), bioRxiv doi: <>
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Copyright © 2013 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.