STATSVN(1) | General Commands Manual | STATSVN(1) |
statsvn - SVN repository statistic analysis tool
svn log --xml -v path/to/repos > svn-logfile.xml
statsvn [options] svn-logfile path/to/repos
This manual page documents the statsvn command. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.
statsvn is a program that retrieves information from a SVN repository and generates various tables and charts describing the project development, e.g. timeline for the lines of code, contribution of each developer, etc.
The current version of statsvn generates a static suite of HTML documents containing tables and chart images. statsvn is opens source software, released under the terms oft the LGPL. statsvn is based on statcvs(1) (hence the striking similarity between their interfaces and manual pages) and uses JFreeChart to generate charts.
These programs follow the usual command line syntax, with long options starting with one dash ("-"). A list of common options is included below. For more up-to-date information, see statsvn's website.
The patterns are lists of Apache Ant-style wildcard patterns, separated by colons or semicolons. The wildcards are:
* '?' matches a single character
* '*' matches zero or more characters
* '**' matches zero or more directories
For example, src/**/*.java matches all java files in the src directory or its subdirectories. Note that *.java only matches java files in the root directory, because '*' does not match subdirectories.
One more example:
-include **/*.c:**/*.h -exclude legacy/**
This matches all .c and .h files anywhere in the directory tree except those in the legacy directory and its subdirectories.
For more information on Ant's wildcard syntax, see the Patternset section of the Ant manual.
If not specified, all files will be included and no files will be excluded.
Note: Unix users must put the patterns in quotes, or the shell will interfere with the wildcards.
Specify a username to use when connecting to the Subversion server.
Includes information about Subverison tags into the reports. Only tags matching the regular expression are included. To include all tags, add -tags '.*' to the command line.
Note: Unix users must put the expression in quotes, or the shell will interfere with the wildcards.
Note: Tags are determined by looking at your repository's /tags directory. To be able to use this feature, you must generate the log file from the root of your repository, so that the log contains information from both the /tags and the /trunk. The checked out version does not have to contain the tags directory.
Specifies the root directory from which the tags regular expression is evaluated. The default -tags-dir is /tags/
These are development statistics for the
<a href="">StatSVN</a>
project, created by StatSVN itself.
This report was generated by an unreleased
development version of StatSVN. It might
contain features not yet found in the
official release.
Unlike its cousin statcvs(1), statsvn can work on distant repositories. Please note however, that statsvn needs to download many diffs from the repository, so it is often more network-efficient to simply rsync(1) the repository to a local host and run it on the local copy.
To compensate for that, however, diffs are cached in the $HOME/.statsvn directory.
Do not forget the -v option to svn diff !
Finally, note that the default value for the number of concurrent svn(1) processes might be too much for the target host. If you get weird error messages about unreachable hosts and similar problems, try taking down the -threads parameter.
This program is a shell script wrapper based on java-wrappers(7). You therefore benefit from several features; please see the java-wrappers(7) manual page for more information about them.
svn(1), statcvs(1) and java-wrappers(7)
statsvn's website at, and most particularly the user manual at
This manual page was adapted by Vincent Fourmond <> from the one for statcvs(1) written by Christian Bayle <>. It was written for the Debian project, but may be used by others.
03-04-2008 |