DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / sway / sway-output.5.en
sway-output(5) File Formats Manual sway-output(5)

sway-output - output configuration commands for sway

You may combine output commands into one, like so:

output HDMI-A-1 mode 1920x1080 pos 1920 0 bg ~/wallpaper.png stretch

You can get a list of output names with swaymsg -t get_outputs. You may also match any output by using the output name "*". Additionally, "-" can be used to match the focused output by name and "--" can be used to match the focused output by its identifier.

Some outputs may have different names when disconnecting and reconnecting. To identify these, the name can be substituted for a string consisting of the make, model and serial which you can get from swaymsg -t get_outputs. Each value must be separated by one space. For example:

output "Some Company ABC123 0x00000000" pos 1920 0

output <name> mode|resolution|res [--custom] <WIDTHxHEIGHT>[@<RATE>Hz]

Configures the specified output to use the given mode. Modes are a combination of width and height (in pixels) and a refresh rate that your display can be configured to use. For a list of available modes for each output, use swaymsg -t get_outputs.

To set a custom mode not listed in the list of available modes, use --custom. You should probably only use this if you know what you're doing.


output HDMI-A-1 mode 1920x1080

output HDMI-A-1 mode 1920x1080@60Hz

output <name> modeline <clock> <hdisplay> <hsync_start> <hsync_end> <htotal> <vdisplay> <vsync_start> <vsync_end> <vtotal> <hsync> <vsync>

Configures the specified output to use the given modeline. It can be generated using cvt(1) and gtf(1) commands. See xorg.conf(5). Only supported on DRM backend.


output HDMI-A-1 modeline 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync

output <name> position|pos <X> <Y>

Places the specified output at the specific position in the global coordinate space. The cursor may only be moved between immediately adjacent outputs. If scaling is active, it has to be considered when positioning. For example, if the scaling factor for the left output is 2, the relative position for the right output has to be divided by 2. The reference point is the top left corner so if you want the bottoms aligned this has to be considered as well.


output HDMI1 scale 2

output HDMI1 pos 0 1020 res 3200x1800

output eDP1 pos 1600 0 res 1920x1080

Note that the left x-pos of eDP1 is 1600 = 3200/2 and the bottom y-pos is 1020 + (1800 / 2) = 1920 = 0 + 1920

output <name> scale <factor>

Scales the specified output by the specified scale factor. An integer is recommended, but fractional values are also supported. If a fractional value are specified, be warned that it is not possible to faithfully represent the contents of your windows - they will be rendered at the next highest integer scale factor and downscaled. You may be better served by setting an integer scale factor and adjusting the font size of your applications to taste. HiDPI isn't supported with Xwayland clients (windows will blur).

output <name> scale_filter linear|nearest|smart

Indicates how to scale application buffers that are rendered at a scale lower than the output's configured scale, such as lo-dpi applications on hi-dpi screens. Linear is smoother and blurrier, nearest (also known as nearest neighbor) is sharper and blockier. Setting "smart" will apply nearest scaling when the output has an integer scale factor, otherwise linear. The default is "smart".

output <name> subpixel rgb|bgr|vrgb|vbgr|none

Manually sets the subpixel hinting for the specified output. This value is usually auto-detected, but some displays may misreport their subpixel geometry. Using the correct subpixel hinting allows for sharper text. Incorrect values will result in blurrier text. When changing this via swaymsg, some applications may need to be restarted to use the new value.

output <name> background|bg <file> <mode> [<fallback_color>]

Sets the wallpaper for the given output to the specified file, using the given scaling mode (one of "stretch", "fill", "fit", "center", "tile"). If the specified file cannot be accessed or if the image does not fill the entire output, a fallback color may be provided to cover the rest of the output. fallback_color should be specified as #RRGGBB. Alpha is not supported.

output <name> background|bg <color> solid_color

Sets the background of the given output to the specified color. color should be specified as #RRGGBB. Alpha is not supported.

output <name> transform <transform> [clockwise|anticlockwise]

Sets the background transform to the given value. Can be one of "90", "180", "270" for rotation; or "flipped", "flipped-90", "flipped-180", "flipped-270" to apply a rotation and flip, or "normal" to apply no transform. The rotation is performed clockwise. If a single output is chosen and a rotation direction is specified (clockwise or anticlockwise) then the transform is added or subtracted from the current transform (this cannot be used directly in the configuration file).

output <name> disable|enable

Enables or disables the specified output (all outputs are enabled by default).

output <name> toggle

Toggle the specified output.

output <name> dpms on|off|toggle

Enables or disables the specified output via DPMS. To turn an output off (ie. blank the screen but keep workspaces as-is), one can set DPMS to off.

output <name> max_render_time off|<msec>

Controls when sway composites the output, as a positive number of milliseconds before the next display refresh. A smaller number leads to fresher composited frames and lower perceived input latency, but if set too low, sway may not finish compositing in time for display refresh, leading to delayed frames.

When set to off, sway composites immediately after display refresh, maximizing time available for compositing.

To adjust when applications are instructed to render, see max_render_time in sway(5).

To set this up for optimal latency:

1.Launch some full-screen application that renders continuously, like glxgears.
2.Start with max_render_time 1. Increment by 1 if you see frame drops.

This setting only has an effect on Wayland and DRM backends, as support for presentation timestamps and predicted output refresh rate is required.

output <name> adaptive_sync on|off

Enables or disables adaptive synchronization (often referred to as Variable Refresh Rate, or by the vendor-specific names FreeSync/G-Sync).

Adaptive sync allows clients to submit frames a little too late without having to wait a whole refresh period to display it on screen. Enabling adaptive sync can improve latency, but can cause flickering on some hardware.

output <name> render_bit_depth 8|10

Controls the color channel bit depth at which frames are rendered; the default is currently 8 bits per channel.

Setting higher values will not have an effect if hardware and software lack support for such bit depths. Successfully increasing the render bit depth will not necessarily increase the bit depth of the frames sent to a display. An increased render bit depth may provide smoother rendering of gradients, and screenshots which can more precisely store the colors of programs which display high bit depth colors.

Warnings: this can break screenshot/screencast programs which have not been updated to work with different bit depths. This command is experimental, and may be removed or changed in the future.

sway(5) sway-input(5)
