DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / systemtap-doc / tapset::inet.3stap.en

tapset::inet - systemtap inet tapset

Convert 64-bit long long from host to network order
See function::htonll(3stap)
for details.
Convert 32-bit long from host to network order
See function::htonl(3stap)
for details.
Convert 16-bit short from host to network order
See function::htons(3stap)
for details.
Convert 64-bit long long from network to host order
See function::ntohll(3stap)
for details.
Convert 32-bit long from network to host order
See function::ntohl(3stap)
for details.
Convert 16-bit short from network to host order
See function::ntohs(3stap)
for details.

function::htonll(3stap), function::htonl(3stap), function::htons(3stap), function::ntohll(3stap), function::ntohl(3stap), function::ntohs(3stap), stap(1), stapprobes(3stap)

November 2022 SystemTap Tapset Reference