DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / systemtap-doc / tapset::string.3stap.en

tapset::string - systemtap string tapset

Returns the length of a string
See function::strlen(3stap)
for details.
Returns a substring
See function::substr(3stap)
for details.
Returns the char at a given position in the string
See function::stringat(3stap)
for details.
Returns whether a string is a substring of another string
See function::isinstr(3stap)
for details.
Returns location of a substring within another string
See function::strpos(3stap)
for details.
Escape any non-printable chars in a string
See function::text_str(3stap)
for details.
Escape any non-printable chars in a string
See function::text_strn(3stap)
for details.
Convert a string to a long
See function::-strtol(3stap)
for details.
Checks for a digit
See function::isdigit(3stap)
for details.
Quotes a given string
See function::string_quoted(3stap)
for details.

function::strlen(3stap), function::substr(3stap), function::stringat(3stap), function::isinstr(3stap), function::strpos(3stap), function::text_str(3stap), function::text_strn(3stap), function::-(3stap), function::strtol(3stap), function::isdigit(3stap), function::string_quoted(3stap), stap(1), stapprobes(3stap)

November 2022 SystemTap Tapset Reference