DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / tcllib / ansi_code.3tcl.en
term::ansi::code(3tcl) Terminal control term::ansi::code(3tcl)

term::ansi::code - Helper for control sequences

package require Tcl 8.4

package require term::ansi::code ?0.2?

::term::ansi::code::esc str

::term::ansi::code::escb str

::term::ansi::code::define name escape code

::term::ansi::code::const name code

This package provides commands enabling the definition of control sequences in an easy manner.

::term::ansi::code::esc str
This command returns the argument string, prefixed with the ANSI escape character, "\033."
::term::ansi::code::escb str
This command returns the argument string, prefixed with a common ANSI escape sequence, "\033[".
::term::ansi::code::define name escape code
This command defines a procedure name which returns the control sequence code, beginning with the specified escape sequence, either esc, or escb.
::term::ansi::code::const name code
This command defines a procedure name which returns the control sequence code.

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control, declare, define, terminal

Terminal control

Copyright (c) 2006 Andreas Kupries <>
0.2 tcllib