DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / tcllib / debug.3tcl.en
debug(3tcl) debug narrative debug(3tcl)

debug - debug narrative - core

package require Tcl 8.5

package require debug ?1.0.6?

debug.tag message ?level?

debug 2array

debug define tag

debug header text

debug level tag ?level? ?fd?

debug names

debug off tag

debug on tag

debug parray arrayvarname

debug pdict dict

debug hexl data ?prefix?

debug nl

debug tab

debug prefix tag ?text?

debug setting (tag level) ... ?fd?

debug suffix tag ?text?

debug trailer text

Debugging areas of interest are represented by 'tags' which have independently settable levels of interest (an integer, higher is more detailed).

For each known tag the package creates a command with this signature the user can then use to provide the debug narrative of the tag. The narrative message is provided as a Tcl script whose value is substed in the caller's scope if and only if the current level of interest for the tag matches or exceeds the call's level of detail. This is useful, as one can place arbitrarily complex narrative in code without unnecessarily evaluating it.

See methods level and setting for querying and manipulating the current level of detail for tags.

The actually printed text consists of not only the message, but also global and tag-specific prefix and suffix, should they exist, with each line in the message having the specified headers and trailers.

All these parts are substableTcl scripts, which are substituted once per message before assembly.

This method returns a dictionary mapping the names of all debug tags currently known to the package to their state and log level. The latter are encoded in a single numeric value, where a negative number indicates an inactive tag at the level given by the absolute value, and a positive number is an active tag at that level.

See also method settings below.

This method registers the named tag with the package. If the tag was not known before it is placed in an inactive state. The state of an already known tag is left untouched.

The result of the method is the empty string.

This method defines a global substable Tcl script which provides a text printed before each line of output.

Note how this is tag-independent.

Further note that the header substitution happens only once per actual printed message, i.e. all lines of the same message will have the same actual heading text.

The result of the method is the specified text.

This method sets the detail-level for the tag, and the channel fd to write the tags narration into. The level is an integer value >= 0 defaulting to 1. The channel defaults to stderr.

The result of the method is the new detail-level for the tag.

This method returns a list containing the names of all debug tags currently known to the package.
This method registers the named tag with the package and sets it inactive.

The result of the method is the empty string.

This method registers the named tag with the package, as active.

The result of the method is the empty string.

This is a convenience method formatting the named array like the builtin command parray, except it returns the resulting string instead of writing it directly to stdout.

This makes it suitable for use in debug messages.

This is a convenience method formatting the dictionary similarly to how the builtin command parray does for array, and returns the resulting string.

This makes it suitable for use in debug messages.

This is a convenience method formatting arbitrary data into a hex-dump and returns the resulting string.

This makes it suitable for use in debug messages.

Each line of the dump is prefixed with prefix. This prefix defaults to the empty string.

This is a convenience method to insert a linefeed character (ASCII 0x0a) into a debug message.
This is a convenience method to insert a TAB character (ASCII 0x09) into a debug message.
This method is similar to the method header above, in that it defines substable Tcl script which provides more text for debug messages.

In contrast to header the generated text is added to the user's message before it is split into lines, making it a per-message extension.

Furthermore the script is tag-dependent.

In exception to that, a script for tag :: is applied to all messages.

If both global and tag-dependent prefix exist, both are applied, with the global prefix coming before the tag-dependent prefix.

Note that the prefix substitution happens only once per actual printed message.

The result of the method is the empty string.

If the tag was not known at the time of the call it is registered, and set inactive.

This method is a multi-tag variant of method level above, with the functionality of methods on, and off also folded in.

Each named tag is set to the detail-level following it, with a negative level deactivating the tag, and a positive level activating it.

If the last argument is not followed by a level it is not treated as tag name, but as the channel all the named tags should print their messages to.

The result of the method is the empty string.

This method is similar to the method trailer below, in that it defines substable Tcl script which provides more text for debug messages.

In contrast to trailer the generated text is added to the user's message before it is split into lines, making it a per-message extension.

Furthermore the script is tag-dependent.

In exception to that, a script for tag :: is applied to all messages.

If both global and tag-dependent suffix exist, both are applied, with the global suffix coming after the tag-dependent suffix.

Note that the suffix substitution happens only once per actual printed message.

The result of the method is the empty string.

If the tag was not known at the time of the call it is registered, and set inactive.

This method defines a global substable Tcl script which provides a text printed after each line of output (before the EOL however).

Note how this is tag-independent.

Further note that the trailer substitution happens only once per actual printed message, i.e. all lines of the same message will have the same actual trailing text.

The result of the method is the specified text.

This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category debug of the Tcllib Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.

When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the output of diff -u.

Note further that attachments are strongly preferred over inlined patches. Attachments can be made by going to the Edit form of the ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left-most button in the secondary navigation bar.

debug, log, narrative, trace

debugging, tracing, and logging

Copyright (c) 200?, Colin McCormack, Wub Server Utilities
Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Andreas Kupries <>
1.0.6 tcllib