DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / totalopenstation / totalopenstation-gui.1.en

totalopenstation - Total Open Station 0.3.0

TotalOpenStation is written using the Python language. Thus you'll need to have a working installation of the current version of a Python of your choice.

Across these pages we will refer to the standard Python distribution.

Obviously, we're not going to reinvent the wheel, so we have chosen to use some Python libraries for some specific tasks:

  • the pySerial library
  • the Python Tkinter GUI library, which comes with the standard Python setup

pySerial is needed for downloading data from the serial port (even through a serial-USB adapter).

Tkinter is at the moment responsible of the Graphical User Interface. This might change in future releases of Total Open Station.

If you're on GNU/Linux or a recent Mac OSX, Python should be already installed on your system, so you just need to get the mentioned libraries.

On Windows, you can get an installer from the main Python website, in the download section.

Generally speaking, refer to the pySerial website.

Use your package manager (apt-get, yum) and look for a package named python-serial or pyserial and install it. To test whether the installation went fine, open a terminal, start the python interpreter with python and at the prompt type import serial then return. It should say nothing, like this:

>>> import serial

If it complains, something went wrong:

>>> import serial
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ImportError: No module named serial

and you need to check with your distribution package manager and bug reporting system.

The simplest way is probably to install setuptools and use:

easy_install -U pyserial

The pySerial website has executable installers for various versions of this operating system. As pySerial's documentation says, you will need also the pywin32 library by Mark Hammond.

There are a few different ways to install Total Open Station, depending on your operating system. If you are on GNU/Linux or Mac OSX, you should already have Python installed on your system. Instructions for Microsoft Windows are below.

Until your operating system's packaging tools (e.g. apt or yum) allow you to install Total Open Station along with other programs, the recommended way to install is using pip, like:

pip install totalopenstation

This will install all the other required Python packages as well. pip is complementary with virtualenv, and it is encouraged that you use virtualenv to isolate your installation:

pip -E tops install totalopenstation

where -E tops creates a virtual environment named tops and installs totalopenstation into it.

Read more about pip at and .

If you manually download the source distribution file from PyPI or from the mercurial repository, first make sure you have installed all the required packages. Then, just cd into the uncompressed directory and:

python install

Again, it's strongly recommended to avoid a system-wide install. Use virtualenv.

There is a binary installer available at PyPI. This requires you to install a Python distribution (latest available is 2.7.1 ‒ do not install Python 3 as we don't support it yet), and the pyserial and setuptools modules.

Even when your device is not listed among the supported ones, Total Open Station can still be useful, particularly for:

finding the right serial connection parameters from an unknown device. You can play with the 8 options and see the results in a text area. Once the downloaded results look good, you can be almost sure that you have used the right parameters, and we can add the tested model parameters to the program database;
retrieving sample data from unknown models and submit them to allow support of those models in future releases of the program.

To do this, you can just use the main Total Open Station executable.


Remember: Total Open Station is no wizard, and you have to tune the serial port options using your prior knowledge of your total station (e.g. read the manual that came with it, look at other programs' options).

An input format is the way data downloaded from the total station are encoded. This might include a default order for X, Y and Z coordinates, particular ways of prefixing each point with some distinctive text string and other features. Each input format is unique, and it requires a dedicated module. Input formats are not readable by common CAD or GIS software packages, and it is TOPS's work to export them. These formats have a standard name, either given by the manufacturer or by the TOPS development team.
When we refer to a model we mean all total stations that have the same brand name and manufacturer (e.g. all those labeled “Trimble Geodimeter 600”).
A format readable by GIS, CAD or any sort of common software, like CSV or DXF.
While most total stations have a serial interface (port and cable), modern PCs and laptops tend to have just USB ports. In such cases, it is possible to use a serial-USB adapter cable, that enables you to connect the total station to one of your USB ports. Depending on your platform, the device might be identified as /dev/ttyUSB0 or COM5.

So far, Total Open Station has been successfully used by:

  • Università di Siena, Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, for the excavations at Gortyna and Vignale
  • Oxford Archaeology, for fieldwork, using the OpenMoko mobile platform
  • Arke_Geomática has blogged about TOPS
  • Arc-Team: we have added support for the Trimble “area” format after Arc-Team sent us some sample data
  • Università di Padova

If you're in the number of happy users, let us know.

General concepts here about models and abstract classes.

leica_tcr_1205 -- Leica TCR 1205

This is a quite recent total station. Data were provided by Joseph Reeves of Oxford Archaeology.

higher than 19200


The data format is ASCII, quite simple.

The only thing to note is that data dumps contain both relative and absolute measures.

Other notes

nikon_npl_350 -- Nikon NPL-350

Download is in ASCII format.

Even the brute method cat /dev/ttyS0 > file creates an ASCII file without any problem, so probably the default parameters for the serial port are OK.

zeiss_elta_r55 -- Zeiss Elta R55

This is a quite old device, in use at the University of Siena. The first steps in TOPS development were achieved with it.


The Zeiss Elta R55 total station can output data in four different formats, only one of which is currently supported:

  • if_zeiss_rec_500
  • Zeiss R-4
  • Zeiss R-5
  • Zeiss R-E

Other notes

The hardware interface consists of a serial RS232 cable, that works also with a common serial-USB adapter .

Unimplemented models can be added to TotalOpenStation.

The best way to have your model included in the next version of TotalOpenStation is to file a support request in the bug tracker and attach some sample data dumps obtained with the Helper application.

If you can write Python code, you can also write a module by yourself using the existing ones as a guide. Should you write a module, we will be happy to receive it and include it in the TotalOpenStation source tree.


The contributing page to find out how to join the project and participate actively to the development.

New in version 0.2: Total Open Station supports a number of input data formats, which are implemented separately from the device handling machinery (i.e. downloading data from your total station). This is because one device can output more than one format, and at the same time the same format can be used by more than one device (particularly this is the case for different models by the same manufacturer).

Generally speaking, data formats can be classified into two large groups:

“raw” field data with polar coordinates
processed data, with XY(Z) cartesian coordinates

The latter are far more easy to process, because they don't require any computing of measurements.

These formats were the first kind of survey data format supported by Total Open Station.

Cartesian coordinates just need to be extracted from ASCII data

Stefano Costa
Luca Bianconi

This format is used by the Leica TCR 1205 (and other similar devices), and contains both polar and cartesian coordinates. At the moment, only cartesian coordinates are used to obtain exported data.

Support for this format was added thanks to Joseph Reeves, OA Digital.

Stefano Costa

This format contains polar data. It is the first polar format supported by Total Open Station.

Data are basically comma-separated values, but each row can have a different format and number of fields. Recorded points are in rows that start with the SS string, while fixed base points start with the ST string.

CO,Nikon RAW data format V2.00
CO,Downloaded 08-Feb-2010 11:17:17
CO,Software: Pre-install version: 1.02
CO,Instrument: Nikon NPL-352
CO,Dist Units: Metres
CO,Angle Units: Gons
CO,Zero azimuth: North
CO,Zero VA: Zenith
CO,Coord Order: NEZ
CO,HA Raw data: Azimuth
CO,Tilt Correction:  VA:ON HA:ON
CO, FATE2010 <JOB> Created 04-Feb-2010 13:41:40
CO,Temp:20C Press:760mmHg Prism:0 04-Feb-2010 13:47:08
CO,HT changed at PT=56 Old HT=1.500m
CO,OLD=56 X-3.787 Y5.548 Z-0.543
CO,HT changed at PT=55 Old HT=1.500m
CO,OLD=55 X-4.239 Y5.190 Z-0.548
CO,HT changed at PT=70 Old HT=1.500m
CO,OLD=70 X-8.579 Y4.536 Z0.040

Support for this format was added thanks to Cynthia Mascione, Università di Siena.

Stefano Costa
Luca Bianconi
Alessandro Bezzi

zeiss_rec_500 -- Zeiss REC 500

This was the first format supported by Total Open Station. For historical reasons, its documentation is far more extended than those of other formats. The step by step procedure is useful for anyone who wants to hack on TOPS itself.

At the time I was doing the first tests, I found it useful to collect all steps. The program goes through them automatically:

>>> import serial
>>> ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', \

baudrate=9600, bytesize=serial.SEVENBITS, timeout=0, \
parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, rtscts=1) >>>

At this point, you have to start the download from the device menu. When this operation has finished, it's good practice to control if you have actually received any data:

>>> ser.inWaiting()

A non-zero result means that something has been downloaded. Good enough.

This number can be saved to a variable and passed as parameter to the read() command:

>>> n = ser.inWaiting()
>>> result =

The result object is a string that contains our data:

>>> print(result)

0001 OR.COOR
0002 0S X 0.000 Y 0.000 Z 0.000
0003 Om 397.0370
0004 POLAR
0005 INPUT th 1.500 ih 0.000
0006 INPUT th 0.000 ih 0.000 Z 0.000
0007 1 X -0.472 Y 1.576 Z 0.004 END

So far, we can say that the downloaded file contains this information:

  • OR.COOR: but I don't know if this line can take other values too
  • origin point defined by the OS string followed by its X, Y, Z coordinates
  • orientation angle Om: are these gradiants?
  • POLAR: but I don't know if this line can take other values too
  • INPUT: are there always two INPUT lines?
  • th
  • ih
  • Z

  • points, expressed as N (starting from 1), X, Y, Z
  • END: after this line no more data

Unimplemented formats can be added to Total Open Station.

The best way to have your format included in the next version of TotalOpenStation is to file a support request in the bug tracker and attach some sample data dumps obtained with the Helper application.

If you can write Python code, you can also write a module by yourself using the existing ones as a guide. Should you write a module, we will be happy to receive it and include it in the TotalOpenStation source tree.


The contributing page to find out how to join the project and participate actively to the development.

There are hundreds of survey data formats out there. One by one, we will get them added into Total Open Station. Here's a general process that defines some minimum requirements when implementing new formats.

Always write documentation for the format. Add a new document in the docs/input_formats/ directory of the source tree with a bare description, including:

  • raw (polar) or processed (cartesian) format
  • fixed-position based or fluid -- this changes the way the parser should work
  • which devices or manufacturers use this format
  • name of contributors

Shortcomings of Total Open Station that the format exposes shouldn't be hidden, but rather made explicit both in code and documentation.

Never commit support for a new format without including the relevant sample data in the sample_data directory. Generally speaking, sample data files should follow these simple rules:

  • quality is better than quantity, so prefer a smaller file with many different corner cases rather than a larger file with a bulk of ordinary data
  • multiple files are OK, if they serve the purpose of showing different issues with the format
  • files should be named with the same name of the Python module that implements the format, using a .tops extension, like topcon_gts.tops for a format implemented in a module named -- this will allow for simple automated tests

When you have fulfilled the two previous tasks, you can start writing code (or at least you should pretend doing that). New code is always better than old code, because you have learned better programming techniques, or because you are more confident with Total Open Station. Writing tests for your code isn't (yet) required, but it's highly encouraged. Don't break current practice.

All code implementing new formats should not break the existing API. Changing the API should be done at the scale of the entire library, to take into account the many different needs of each format and parser. The development of Total Open Station is not in a stable shape, so expect the API to change in future versions. However, please understand that a new format parser is not the right place to do that.

Experiments are welcome. Mercurial allows for easy branching: you are encouraged to clone our repository and go crazy with new features, formats.

Total Open Station is free software, released under the GNU General Public License v3 or (at your option) any later version.

Development is tracked with Mercurial, a fast decentralized version control system. Installing Mercurial is not needed unless you want to participate in TOPS development, but please do it. The main development repository is on bitbucket where it's easy to fork the source code for your own experiments.

The suggested way of contributing is by sending patches using the Mercurial patchbomb extension to the development mailing list.

We try to follow as much as possible PEP-8,

Total Open Station is at version 0.2, which is an alpha release.

Total Open Station 0.3 will be released by June 2011. Planned features include:

  • more responsive download dialogs
  • more solid internal data format

Our plans for Total Open Station are focused on different areas of user experience and development practices. We envisage future versions based on concepts like:

  • seamless integration with geospatial data software
  • dedicated layout for intensive survey use
  • enhanced mobile experience
  • supporting always more devices and formats

If you have an incredible idea on how Total Open Station should look like, let us know!

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search

2008-2011, Stefano Costa, Luca Bianconi

July 31, 2014 0.3