DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / translate / translate.1.en
TRANSLATE(1) General Commands Manual TRANSLATE(1)

translate - looks up for words in a dictionary

translate [options] words

translate looks up for words in a dictionary and translates them. It can handle multiple dictionaries and charsets. It comes with an english-german dictionary and is able to translate in both directions.

non-interactive (don't prompt if no matches found)
invers lookup (from second to first language)
searches only whole words
languages to translate between
disable (automatic) color highlighting
display version and exit
display help


translate's preferred language and is stored in /etc/translate.conf. You can store your private configuration file in ~/.translate/translate.conf. If there are no options in the commandline it uses the default values de-en.

It can also create a private dictionary in the ~/.translate/ directory, e.g. ~/.translate/de-en for the default language combination.

Jochem Huhmann <> initially wrote translate. The Debian Project took over maintenance of translate since version 0.6. It is currently maintained by Axel Beckert <> on

This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).