--version-string=v1045 is not a valid option
Runs TPM2_Quote
-hp pcr handle (may be specified more than once)
-hk quoting key handle
- [-pwdk password for quoting key (default empty)] [-halg for signing (sha1,
sha256, sha384) (default sha256)] [-palg for PCR bank selection (sha1,
sha256, sha384) (default sha256)] [-salg signature algorithm (rsa, ecc)
(default rsa)] [-qd qualifying data file name] [-os quote signature file
name (default do not save)] [-oa attestation output file name (default do
not save)]
-se[0-2] session handle / attributes (default PWAP)
- 01 continue
--version is not a valid option
Runs TPM2_Quote
-hp pcr handle (may be specified more than once)
-hk quoting key handle
- [-pwdk password for quoting key (default empty)] [-halg for signing (sha1,
sha256, sha384) (default sha256)] [-palg for PCR bank selection (sha1,
sha256, sha384) (default sha256)] [-salg signature algorithm (rsa, ecc)
(default rsa)] [-qd qualifying data file name] [-os quote signature file
name (default do not save)] [-oa attestation output file name (default do
not save)]
-se[0-2] session handle / attributes (default PWAP)
- 01 continue
The full documentation for quote is maintained as a Texinfo
manual. If the info and quote programs are properly installed
at your site, the command
- info quote
should give you access to the complete manual.