chain2dim - two-dimensional match chaining
chain2dim [options] <matchfile>
-global <param>
Global chaining. Optional parameter "gc"
switches on gap costs (according to L1-model). Optional parameter
"ov" means that overlaps between matches are allowed.
-local <param>
Compute local chains (according to L1-model). If no
parameter is given, compute local chains with maximum score. If parameter is
given, this must be a positive number optionally followed by the character b
or p. If only the number, say k, is given, this is the minimum score of the
chains output. If a number is followed by character b, then output all chains
with the largest k scores. If a number is followed by character p, then output
all chains with scores at most k percent away from the best score.
-wf <factor>
Specify weight factor > 0.0 to obtain the score of a
fragment. Requires one of the options -local, -global gc or
-global ov.
-maxgap <width>
Maximal width of gap in chain.
-outprefix <prefix>
Specify prefix of files to output chains.
Only compute chains which do not cross sequence borders
(not possible for matches in open format).
-thread <keywords...>
Thread the chains, i.e. close the gaps. Accepts an
optional list of keywords "minlen1 minlen2 maxerror1 maxerror2",
each followed by a number specifies the minimum length and the maximum error
rate of thread. 1 refers to match instance in indexed sequence, 2 refers to
matching instance in query.
Do not output the chains and only report their lengths
and scores.
Be verbose.
Show the version of the Vmatch package.
Show help.