wyrdrc(5) | Wyrd configuration file | wyrdrc(5) |
wyrdrc - the configuration textfile for the wyrd(1) console calendar application.
Wyrd Configuration File
1 Advanced Configuration
Wyrd reads a run-configuration textfile (generally /etc/wyrdrc or /usr/local/etc/wyrdrc) to determine key bindings, color schemes, and many other settings. You can create a personalized configuration file in $HOME/.wyrdrc, and select settings that match your usage patterns. The recommended procedure is to "include" the wyrdrc file provided with Wyrd (see Including Other Rcfiles), and add or remove settings as desired.
2 wyrdrc Syntax
You may notice that the wyrdrc syntax is similar to the syntax used in the configuration file for the Mutt email client (muttrc).
Within the wyrdrc file, strings should be enclosed in double quotes ("). A double quote character inside a string may be represented by \". The backslash character must be represented by doubling it ( \\ ).
Syntax: include filename_string
3 Including Other Rcfiles
This syntax can be used to include one run-configuration file within another. This command could be used to load the default wyrdrc file (probably found in /etc/wyrdrc or /usr/local/etc/wyrdrc) within your personalized rcfile, ~/.wyrdrc. The filename string should be enclosed in quotes.
Syntax: set variable=value_string
4 Setting Configuration Variables
A number of configuration variables can be set using this syntax; check the Configuration Variables description to see a list. The variables are unquoted, but the values should be quoted strings.
Syntax: bind key_identifier operation
5 Creating Key Bindings
This command will bind a keypress to execute a calendar operation. The various operations, which should not be enclosed in quotes, may be found in the section on Calendar Operations.
Key identifiers may be specified by strings that represent a single keypress, for example "m" (quotes included). The key may be prefixed with "\\C" or "\\M" to represent Control or Meta (Alt) modifiers, respectively; note that the backslash must be doubled. A number of special keys lack single-character representations, so the following strings may be used to represent them:
• "<esc>"
• "<tab>"
• "<enter>"
• "<return>"
• "<insert>"
• "<home>"
• "<end>"
• "<pageup>"
• "<pagedown>"
• "<space>"
• "<left>"
• "<right>"
• "<up>"
• "<down>"
• "<f1>" to "<f12>"
Due to differences between various terminal emulators, this key identifier syntax may not be adequate to describe every keypress. As a workaround, Wyrd will also accept key identifiers in octal notation. As an example, you could use \024 (do not enclose it in quotes) to represent Ctrl-T.
Multiple keys may be bound to the same operation, if desired.
Syntax: unbind key_identifier
6 Removing Key Bindings
This command will remove all bindings associated with the key identifier. The key identifiers should be defined using the syntax described in the previous section.
Syntax: color object foreground background
7 Setting the Color Scheme
This command will apply the specified foreground and background colors to the appropriate object. A list of colorable objects is provided in the section on Colorable Objects.
Wyrd will recognize the following color keywords: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, default. The default keyword allows you to choose the default foreground or background colors. If you use default for your background color, this will access the transparent background on terminal emulators which support it.
The following configuration variables may be set as described in the Setting Configuration Variables section:
8 Configuration Variables
• remind_command
Determines the command used to execute Remind.
• reminders_file
Controls which Remind file (or Remind directory) Wyrd will operate
on. The default is ~/.reminders .
• edit_old_command
Controls the command used to edit a pre-existing reminder. The
special strings '%file%' and '%line%' will be replaced with a filename to
edit and a line number to navigate to within that file.
• edit_new_command
Controls the command used to edit a new reminder. The special
character '%file%' will be replaced with a filename to edit. Ideally, this
command should move the cursor to the last line of the file, where the new
reminder template is created.
• edit_any_command
Controls the command used for editing a reminder file without
selecting any particular reminder. The special character '%file%' will be
replaced with a filename to edit.
• pager_command
Controls the command used for viewing keybindings ('?'), calendar,
and reminders {c, C, r, R}. Set this to "less -c" if you want
less(1) to repaint the screen by clearing it instead of scrolling.
• default_zoom
Controls the default zoom level that Wyrd starts up with. This setting accepts an integer value of:
• 0 for Hourly time increments
• 1 for Half-Hourly time increments
• 2 for Quarter-Hourly time increments.
Any integer other than these 3 is invalid and will cause an error.
• timed_template
Controls the format of the REM line created when editing a new timed reminder. The following string substitutions will be made:
• '%monname%' - month name
• '%mon%' - month number (1-12)
• '%0mon%' - month number (01-12)
• '%mday%' - day of the month (1-31)
• '%0mday%' - day of the month (01-31)
• '%year%' - year
• '%hour%' - hour
• '%min%' - minute
• '%wdayname%' - weekday name
• '%wday%' - weekday number.
• untimed_template
Controls the format of the REM line created when editing a new
untimed reminder. The substitution syntax is the same as for timed_template.
• templateN
Controls the format of a generic user-defined REM line template; N
may range from 0 to 9. The substitution syntax is the same as for
• busy_algorithm
An integer value specifying which algorithm to use for measuring
how busy the user is on a particular day. If busy_algorithm="1",
then Wyrd will simply count the total number of reminders triggered on that
day. If busy_algorithm="2", then Wyrd will count the number of
hours of reminders that fall on that day. (Untimed reminders are assumed to
occupy untimed_duration minutes.)
• untimed_duration
An integer value that specifies the assumed duration of an untimed
reminder, in minutes. This is used only when computing the busy level with
• busy_level1
An integer value specifying the maximum number of reminders in a
day (with busy_algorithm="1") or maximum hours of reminders in a
day (with busy_algorithm="2") which will be colored using the
color scheme for calendar_level1.
• busy_level2
Same as above, using the calendar_level2 color scheme.
• busy_level3
Same as above, using the calendar_level2 color scheme rendered in
• busy_level4
Same as above, using the calendar_level3 color scheme. Any day
with more reminders than this will be rendered using the calendar_level3
color scheme rendered in bold.
• week_starts_monday
A boolean value ("true" or "false") that
determines the first day of the week.
• schedule_12_hour
A boolean value that determines whether the timed reminders window
is drawn using 12- or 24-hour time.
• selection_12_hour
A boolean value that determines whether the selection information
is drawn with 12- or 24-hour time.
• status_12_hour
A boolean value that determines whether the current time is drawn
using a 12- or 24-hour clock.
• description_12_hour
A boolean value that determines whether reminder start and end
times are drawn using 12- or 24-hour time in the description window. This
value also controls the format of timestamps in the formatted calendars
produced by view_week and view_month.
• center_cursor
A boolean value that determines how the screen and cursor move
during scrolling operations. When set to "true", the cursor is
fixed in the center of the timed reminders window, and the schedule scrolls
around it. When set to "false" (the default), the cursor will move
up and down the schedule during scrolling operations.
• goto_big_endian
A boolean value that determines how the goto operation will parse
dates. When set to "true", date specifiers should be in ISO 8601
(YYYYMMDD) format. When set to "false", date specifiers should be
in European style DDMMYYYY format.
• quick_date_US
A boolean value that determines how the quick_add operation will
parse numeric dates with slashes, e.g. 6/1 (or 6/1/2006). When set to
"true", the first number is a month and the second is the day of
the month (June 1). When set to "false", these meanings of these
two fields are switched (January 6).
• number_weeks
A boolean value that determines whether or not weeks should be
numbered within the month calendar window. Weeks are numbered according to
the ISO 8601 standard. The ISO standard week begins on Monday, so to avoid
confusion it is recommended that week_starts_monday be set to
"true" when week numbering is enabled.
• home_sticky
A boolean value that determines whether or not the cursor should
"stick" to the "home" position. When this option is set
to "true", then after pressing the <home> key the cursor
will automatically follow the current date and time. The effect is cancelled
by pressing any of the navigation keys.
• advance_warning
A boolean value that determines whether or not Wyrd should display
advance warning of reminders. When set to "true", Wyrd will invoke
Remind in a mode that generates advance warning of reminders as specified in
the reminder file.
• untimed_window_width
An integer value that determines the target width of the
month-calendar window and the untimed reminders window. The allowable range
is 34 to ($COLUMNS - 40) characters, and Wyrd will silently disregard any
setting outside this range.
• untimed_bold
A boolean value that determines whether or not Wyrd should render
untimed reminders using a bold font.
• reminder_colors
Render reminders in color (auto/true/false) needs ccc support in termcap: tput ccc && echo supported auto will fallback to default colors.
For maximum usefulness, busy_level1 < busy_level2 < busy_level3 < busy_level4.
Every Wyrd operation can be made available to the interface using the syntax described in the section on Creating Key Bindings.
9 Calendar Operations
The following is a list of every available operation.
• scroll_up
move the cursor up one element
• scroll_down
move the cursor down one element
• next_day
jump ahead one day
• previous_day
jump backward one day
• next_week
jump ahead one week
• previous_week
jump backward one week
• next_month
jump ahead one month
• previous_month
jump backward one month
• home
jump to the current date and time
• goto
begin entering a date specifier to jump to
• zoom
zoom in on the day schedule view (this operation is cyclic)
• edit
edit the selected reminder
• edit_any
edit a reminder file, without selecting any particular reminder
• scroll_description_up
scroll the description window contents up (when possible)
• scroll_description_down
scroll the description window contents down (when possible)
• quick_add
add a "quick reminder"
• new_timed
create a new timed reminder
• new_timed_dialog
same as previous, with a reminder file selection dialog
• new_untimed
create a new untimed reminder
• new_untimed_dialog
same as previous, with a reminder file selection dialog
• new_templateN
create a new user-defined reminder using templateN, where N may
range from 0 to 9
• new_templateN_dialog
same as previous, with a reminder file selection dialog
• copy
copy a reminder to Wyrd's clipboard
• cut
delete a reminder and copy it to Wyrd's clipboard
• paste
paste a reminder from Wyrd's clipboard into the schedule
• paste_dialog
same as previous, with a reminder file selection dialog
• switch_window
switch between the day schedule window on the left, and the
untimed reminder window on the right
• begin_search
begin entering a search string
• search_next
search for the next occurrence of the search string
• next_reminder
jump to the next reminder (The next_reminder operation locates
reminders at the point they occur; if advance_warning is enabled,
next_reminder will skip over any displayed warnings of an event.)
• view_remind
view the output of remind for the selected date
• view_remind_all
view the output of remind for the selected date, triggering all
non-expired reminders
• view_week
view Remind's formatted calendar for the week that contains the
selected date (the in-calendar timestamp formats are determined by the value
of description_12_hour)
• view_month
view Remind's formatted calendar for the month that contains the
selected date (the in-calendar timestamp formats are determined by the value
of description_12_hour)
• refresh
refresh the display
• quit
exit Wyrd
• entry_complete
signal completion of search string entry or date specifier
• entry_backspace
delete the last character of the search string or date specifier
• entry_cancel
cancel entry of a search string or date specifier
Each of Wyrd's on-screen elements may be colored by the color scheme of your choice, using the syntax defined in the section on Setting the Color Scheme.
10 Colorable Objects
The following is a list of all colorable objects.
• help
the help bar at the top of the screen
• timed_default
an empty timeslot in the day-schedule window
• timed_current
the current time in the day-schedule window (if it is visible)
• timed_reminder1
a nonempty timeslot in the day-schedule window, indented to level
• timed_reminder2
a nonempty timeslot in the day-schedule window, indented to level
• timed_reminder3
a nonempty timeslot in the day-schedule window, indented to level
• timed_reminder4
a nonempty timeslot in the day-schedule window, indented to level
• untimed_reminder
an entry in the untimed reminders window
• timed_date
the vertical date strip at the left side of the screen
• selection_info
the line providing date/time for the current selection
• description
the reminder description window
• status
the bottom bar providing current date and time
• calendar_labels
the month and weekday labels in the calendar window
• calendar_level1
calendar days with low activity
• calendar_level2
calendar days with medium activity
• calendar_level3
calendar days with high activity
• calendar_today
the current day in the calendar window (if it is visible)
• left_divider
the vertical line to the left of the timed reminders window
• right_divider
the vertical and horizontal lines to the right of the timed reminders window
wyrd(1), wyrd(7), remind(1)
See Also
This manpage is written by Paul J. Pelzl <pelzlpj@gmail.com>.
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