xsec-xklient.pod(1) | Apache XML Security | xsec-xklient.pod(1) |
xmlsec-xklient - Client for an XKMS service
xmlsec-xklient [-t] msgdump [options] filename
xmlsec-xklient [-t] msgcreate LocateRequest [options]
xmlsec-xklient [-t] dorequest [options] type [options]
xmlsec-xklient is a general client for web services that follows the XML Key Management Specification (XKMS). It supports three basic operations:
CompoundRequest (cr) LocateRequest (lr) ValidateRequest (vr) PendingRequest (pr) RegisterRequest (rr) ReissueRequest (ir) RecoverRequest (or) RevokeRequest (er)
Each of these three operations have their own special command-line options that may be given after the operation, and each of the XKMS request types have their own set of options to specify what goes into the request. Each operation supports the -h or --help flag to print out usage for that particular operation and, in the case of "dorequest", that operation and request type.
All the specific per-operation options are not (yet) documented in this manual page. Use the -h or --help option to get more usage information for the operation that you want to perform.
This section only documents the general options that are supported before the operation type.
This manual page was written by Russ Allbery for Debian.
The authors hereby relinquish any claim to any copyright that they may have in this work, whether granted under contract or by operation of law or international treaty, and hereby commit to the public, at large, that they shall not, at any time in the future, seek to enforce any copyright in this work against any person or entity, or prevent any person or entity from copying, publishing, distributing or creating derivative works of this work.
2023-01-07 | 2.0.4 |