XTEDDY(6) | Games Manual | XTEDDY(6) |
xteddy - cuddly teddy bear for your X Windows desktop.
xteddy [ -wm -float -noquit -nocursor -F<file>
[ -geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y -display SERVER ]
[ -h --help -v ]
Xteddy is a cuddly teddy bear for your X Windows desktop.
Normally, xteddy just sits around doing nothing. After all, that's what teddy bears are for. Look at him, talk to him, place heavy windows on top of him, zap him around until he becomes dizzy, do what you like; he will always be your true (albeit virtual) friend.
You can move xteddy with the mouse by pointing at him and dragging him around. When clicked upon, he will pop up on top of all other windows. If you type "q" or "Esc" on him, he will exit (or, as I like to think of it, be tucked away in the file system until you need him next time).
That's it. But he's cute.
If no `-F` parameter is given file equals to xteddy or more precisely to the name of the calling program. For instance if there is a symlink
ln -s xteddy xpenguin
then file equals to xpenguin and the appropriate
pixmaps with the name xpenguin are searched for.
The cast of characters is currently: teddy xalex xbobo xbrummi xcherubino xduck xhedgehog xklitze xnamu xorca xpenguin xpuppy xruessel xteddy xtrouble.png xtrouble_large xtuxxy.
Stefan Gustavson, ISY-LiTH (stegu@itn.liu.se). Xteddy is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
The Desktop Manager in Sun CDE (Common Desktop Environment) does not like xteddy. Xteddy by default does not use the window manager, and so he shows up as a sticky window on all desktops. If you don't like this, and try to circumvent it by running him with the -wm option, move him by grabbing him by the tummy instead of by the title bar, and then move him partly off the screen, the image is lost and never redrawn again, so all you see is a silhouette of a teddy bear. I have no idea why this happens. If you know, please tell me, and if you can fix it, please do. If you run CDE on other platforms than Sun, please tell me if it works for you. CDE does something which xteddy does not handle properly, and since I have a Sun with CDE myself I would like to know what the problem is.
For most X servers, the -float option does not work properly if xteddy is moved partially off the screen. This is the X server's fault, not mine.
If two copies of xteddy are placed so they overlap, and both were run with the -float option, the X server will try to put each on top of the other in an endless loop, which looks very bad and takes a lot of CPU power.
Xteddy does not make use of the X resource database. I just didn't get around to that.
Please send bug reports, fixes, suggestions, fan mail or or hacks to: stegu@itn.liu.se.
25 May 2005 | X Version 11 |