AMDiS 2.10
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
DefaultLeafGridView< GridImp > Class Template Reference

Public Types

enum  { conforming = Traits::conforming }
using Traits = DefaultLeafGridViewTraits< GridImp >
using Grid = typename Traits::Grid
using IndexSet = typename Traits::IndexSet
using Intersection = typename Traits::Intersection
using IntersectionIterator = typename Traits::IntersectionIterator
using CollectiveCommunication = typename Traits::CollectiveCommunication
using Communication = typename Traits::Communication
template<int cd>
using Codim = typename Traits::template Codim< cd >

Public Member Functions

 DefaultLeafGridView (Grid const &grid)
Grid const & grid () const
 obtain a const reference to the underlying hierarchic grid
IndexSet const & indexSet () const
 Obtain the index set.
int size (int codim) const
 Obtain number of entities in a given codimension.
int size (Dune::GeometryType const &type) const
 Obtain number of entities with a given geometry type.
template<int cd, Dune::PartitionIteratorType pit = Dune::All_Partition>
Codim< cd >::template Partition< pit >::Iterator begin () const
 Obtain begin iterator for this view.
template<int cd, Dune::PartitionIteratorType pit = Dune::All_Partition>
Codim< cd >::template Partition< pit >::Iterator end () const
 Obtain end iterator for this view.
IntersectionIterator ibegin (typename Codim< 0 >::Entity const &entity) const
 Obtain begin intersection iterator with respect to this view.
IntersectionIterator iend (typename Codim< 0 >::Entity const &entity) const
 Obtain end intersection iterator with respect to this view.
bool isConforming () const
 Return true if current state of grid view represents a conforming grid.
Communication const & comm () const
 Obtain collective communication object.
int overlapSize (int codim) const
 Return size of the overlap region for a given codim on the grid view.
int ghostSize (int codim) const
 Return size of the ghost region for a given codim on the grid view.
template<class DataHandleImp , class DataType >
void communicate (Dune::CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImp, DataType > &data, Dune::InterfaceType iftype, Dune::CommunicationDirection dir) const
 Communicate data on this view.

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