AMDiS 2.10
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
PetscSequentialIndexDistribution< LI > Class Template Reference

Fallback for PetscParallelIndexDistribution in case there is only one mpi core. More...

#include <IndexDistribution.hpp>

Public Types

using size_type = LI
using DofIndex = size_type
using LocalIndex = size_type
using GlobalIndex = PetscInt

Public Member Functions

template<class Basis , Dune::disableCopyMove< Self, Basis > = 0>
 PetscSequentialIndexDistribution (Basis const &basis)
MPI_Comm comm () const
size_type localSize () const
 How many DOFs are owned by my processor?
std::array< size_type, 1 > localSizes () const
 Return the sequence of number of local indices for all processors.
size_type globalSize () const
 The total number of global DOFs.
std::array< GlobalIndex, 1 > globalStarts () const
 Return the sequence of starting points of the global indices for all processors.
std::vector< GlobalIndex > const & globalIndices () const
 Return the vector of global indices.
GlobalIndex ghostSize () const
 Return number of ghost indices.
std::array< GlobalIndex, 0 > ghostIndices () const
 Return the vector of ghost indices.
LocalIndex globalToGhost (GlobalIndex const &n) const
 Map global index to local ghost index.
LocalIndex dofToGhost (DofIndex const &n) const
 Map DOF index to local ghost index.
GlobalIndex global (LocalIndex const &n) const
 Global index of local index n.
LocalIndex globalToLocal (GlobalIndex const &n) const
 Map global index to consecutive local owner index.
LocalIndex dofToLocal (DofIndex const &n) const
 Map DOF index to consecutive local owner index.
bool owner (DofIndex const &n) const
 DOF index n is owned by this processor.
bool globalOwner (GlobalIndex const &n) const
 Global index n is owned by this processor.
bool globalOwner (int p, GlobalIndex const &n) const
 Global index n is owned by processor p.
template<class Basis >
void update (Basis const &basis)
 Update the local to global mapping. Must be called before mapping local to global.
void debug () const

Detailed Description

template<class LI>
class AMDiS::PetscSequentialIndexDistribution< LI >

Fallback for PetscParallelIndexDistribution in case there is only one mpi core.

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