AMDiS 2.10
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
ProblemStat< Traits > Class Template Reference

Inherits ProblemStatBase, and StandardProblemIterationAdaptor< ProblemStat< Traits > >.

Public Types

using GlobalBasis = typename Traits::GlobalBasis
using GridView = typename GlobalBasis::GridView
using Grid = AdaptiveGrid_t< typename GridView::Grid >
using Element = typename GridView::template Codim< 0 >::Entity
using WorldVector = typename Element::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate
using WorldMatrix = FieldMatrix< typename WorldVector::field_type, WorldVector::dimension, WorldVector::dimension >
using value_type = typename Traits::CoefficientType
using Mat = typename Traits::Backend::template Matrix< GlobalBasis, GlobalBasis >::template Impl< value_type >
using Vec = typename Traits::Backend::template Vector< GlobalBasis >::template Impl< value_type >
using LinearSolverInterface = AMDiS::LinearSolverInterface< Mat, Vec, Vec >
using LinearSolver = AMDiS::LinearSolver< Mat, Vec, Vec >
using SystemMatrix = BiLinearForm< GlobalBasis, GlobalBasis, value_type, typename Traits::Backend >
using SystemVector = LinearForm< GlobalBasis, value_type, typename Traits::Backend >
using SolutionVector = DOFVector< GlobalBasis, value_type, typename Traits::Backend >

Public Member Functions

 ProblemStat (std::string const &name)
 Constructor. Takes the name of the problem that is used to access values corresponding to this problem in the parameter file.
template<class Grid_ >
 ProblemStat (std::string const &name, Grid_ &&grid)
template<class Grid_ , class Basis_ , class B_ = Underlying_t<Basis_>, REQUIRES(Concepts::GlobalBasis< B_ >) >
 ProblemStat (std::string const &name, Grid_ &&grid, Basis_ &&globalBasis)
 Constructor taking a grid and basis. Wraps both in shared pointers.
template<class Grid_ , class PBF_ , class GV_ = typename Underlying_t<Grid_>::LeafGridView, REQUIRES(Concepts::PreBasisFactory< PBF_, GV_ >) >
 ProblemStat (std::string const &name, Grid_ &&grid, PBF_ const &preBasisFactory)
 Constructor taking a grid and pre-basis factory to create a global basis on the fly.
void initialize (Flag initFlag, Self *adoptProblem=nullptr, Flag adoptFlag=INIT_NOTHING)
 Initialisation of the problem. More...
void restore (Flag initFlag)
 Read the grid and solution from backup files and initialize the problem. More...
void addConstraint (BoundaryCondition< SystemMatrix, SolutionVector, SystemVector > constraint)
Flag oneIteration (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo, Flag toDo=FULL_ITERATION) override
 Implementation of StandardProblemIteration::oneIteration. More...
void buildAfterAdapt (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo, Flag flag, bool asmMatrix=true, bool asmVector=true) override
 Implementation of ProblemStatBase::buildAfterCoarse. More...
void assemble (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo)
 Assemble the linear system by calling buildAfterAdapt with asmMatrix and asmVector set to true.
void solve (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo, bool createMatrixData=true, bool storeMatrixData=false) override
 Implementation of ProblemStatBase::solve. More...
void estimate (AdaptInfo &) override
 Implementation of ProblemStatBase::estimate. More...
Flag adaptGrid (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo) override
 Implementation of ProblemStatBase::refineMesh. More...
Flag markElements (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo) override
 Implementation of ProblemStatBase::markElements. More...
Flag globalCoarsen (int n) override
 Uniform global grid coarsening by up to n level. More...
Flag globalRefine (int n) override
 Uniform global refinement by n level. More...
void writeFiles (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo, bool force=false)
 Writes output files. If force=true write even if timestep out of write rhythm.
std::string const & name () const override
 Implementation of ProblemStatBase::name. More...
std::shared_ptr< Grid > grid ()
 Return the grid_.
std::shared_ptr< Grid const > grid () const
GridView gridView () const
 Return the gridView of the basis.
std::shared_ptr< BoundaryManager< Grid > > boundaryManager ()
 Return the boundary manager to identify boundary segments.
std::shared_ptr< BoundaryManager< Grid > const > boundaryManager () const
std::shared_ptr< GlobalBasis > globalBasis ()
 Return the globalBasis_.
std::shared_ptr< GlobalBasis const > globalBasis () const
std::shared_ptr< LinearSolverInterfacesolver ()
 Return a reference to the linear solver, linearSolver.
std::shared_ptr< LinearSolverInterface const > solver () const
std::shared_ptr< SystemMatrixsystemMatrix ()
 Returns a reference to system-matrix, systemMatrix_.
std::shared_ptr< SystemMatrix const > systemMatrix () const
std::shared_ptr< SolutionVectorsolutionVector ()
 Returns a reference to the solution vector, solution_.
std::shared_ptr< SolutionVector const > solutionVector () const
std::shared_ptr< SystemVectorrhsVector ()
 Return a reference to the rhs system-vector, rhs.
std::shared_ptr< SystemVector const > rhsVector () const
template<class Range = void, class... Indices>
auto solution (Indices... ii)
 Return a mutable view to a solution component. More...
template<class Range = void, class... Indices>
auto solution (Indices... ii) const
 Return a const view to a solution component. More...
template<class Solver_ >
void setSolver (Solver_ &&solver)
 Set a new linear solver for the problem.
template<class Grid_ >
void setGrid (Grid_ &&grid)
template<class Marker_ >
void addMarker (Marker_ &&m)
 Store the shared_ptr and the name of the marker in the problem. More...
void removeMarker (std::string name)
 Remove a marker with the given name from the problem.
void removeMarker (Marker< Grid > const &marker)
 Remove a marker from the problem.
template<class FileWriter_ >
void addFileWriter (FileWriter_ &&f)
 Add another filewriter to the problem.
void clearFileWriter ()
 Deletes all filewriters.
template<class Operator , class RowTreePath = RootTreePath, class ColTreePath = RootTreePath>
void addMatrixOperator (Operator const &op, RowTreePath row={}, ColTreePath col={})
 Add an operator to A. More...
template<class Operator , class RowTreePath = RootTreePath, class ColTreePath = RootTreePath>
void addMatrixOperator (BoundaryType b, Operator const &op, RowTreePath row={}, ColTreePath col={})
 Operator evaluated on the boundary of the domain with boundary index b More...
template<class Operator , class TreePath = RootTreePath>
void addVectorOperator (Operator const &op, TreePath path={})
 Add an operator to rhs. More...
template<class Operator , class TreePath = RootTreePath>
void addVectorOperator (BoundaryType b, Operator const &op, TreePath path={})
 Operator evaluated on the boundary of the domain with boundary index b More...
template<class Predicate , class RowTreePath , class ColTreePath , class Values >
void addDirichletBC (Predicate const &predicate, RowTreePath row, ColTreePath col, Values const &values)
 Add boundary conditions to the system. More...
template<class RowTreePath , class ColTreePath , class Values >
void addDirichletBC (BoundaryType id, RowTreePath row, ColTreePath col, Values const &values)
template<class Identifier , class Values >
void addDirichletBC (Identifier &&id, Values &&values)
void addPeriodicBC (BoundaryType id, WorldMatrix const &A, WorldVector const &b)
virtual Flag markElements (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo)=0
 Marks mesh elements for refinement and coarsening. More...
virtual void buildAfterAdapt (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo, Flag flag, bool assembleMatrix, bool assembleVector)=0
 Assembling of system matrices and vectors after coarsening. By the last two parameters, assembling can be restricted to either matrices or vectors only. More...
virtual Flag adaptGrid (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo)=0
 Refinement/coarsening of the grid. More...
virtual Flag globalCoarsen (int n)=0
virtual Flag globalRefine (int n)=0
virtual void solve (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo, bool createMatrixData=true, bool storeMatrixData=false)=0
 Solves the assembled system. The result is an approximative solution. The last two boolean arguments can be used to controll successive solutions of systems with the same matrix. More...
virtual void estimate (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo)=0
 A posteriori error estimation of the calculated solution. Should store a local error estimation at each elements leaf data and return the total error sum. More...
virtual std::string const & name () const =0
 Returns the name of the problem. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from StandardProblemIterationAdaptor< ProblemStat< Traits > >
 StandardProblemIterationAdaptor (StandardProblemIterationAdaptor const &)
 StandardProblemIterationAdaptor (StandardProblemIterationAdaptor &&)
- Public Member Functions inherited from StandardProblemIteration
 StandardProblemIteration (ProblemStatBase &prob)
void beginIteration (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo) override
 Implementation of ProblemIterationIterface::beginIteration() More...
Flag oneIteration (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo, Flag toDo) override
 Implementation of ProblemIterationInterface::oneIteration() More...
void endIteration (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo) override
 Implementation of ProblemIterationInterface::endIteration() More...
std::string const & name () const override
 Returns the name of the problem. More...
int numProblems () const override
 Returns number of managed problems. More...
ProblemStatBaseproblem (int number=0) override
 Return the managed ProblemStat problem, by number. More...
ProblemStatBaseproblem (std::string const &name) override
 Return the managed ProblemStat problem, by name. More...
virtual void beginIteration (AdaptInfo &)
 Called before each adaption loop iteration. More...
virtual Flag oneIteration (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo, Flag toDo=FULL_ITERATION)=0
 Determines the execution order of the single adaption steps. If adapt is true, mesh adaption will be performed. This allows to avoid mesh adaption, e.g. in timestep adaption loops of timestep adaptive strategies. More...
virtual void endIteration (AdaptInfo &)
 Called after each adaption loop iteration. More...
virtual int numProblems () const =0
 Returns number of managed problems. More...
virtual ProblemStatBaseproblem (int number=0)=0
 Returns the problem with the given number. If only one problem is managed by this master problem, the number hasn't to be given. More...
virtual ProblemStatBaseproblem (std::string const &name)=0
 Returns the problem with the given name. More...
virtual std::string const & name () const =0
 Returns the name of the problem. More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int dim = Grid::dimension
 Dimension of the grid.
static constexpr int dow = Grid::dimensionworld
 Dimension of the world.

Protected Member Functions

void createGlobalBasis ()
void createGrid ()
void createMatricesAndVectors ()
void createSolver ()
void createMarker ()
void createFileWriter ()
void adoptGlobalBasis (std::shared_ptr< GlobalBasis > globalBasis)
void adoptGrid (std::shared_ptr< Grid > const &grid, std::shared_ptr< BoundaryManager< Grid > > const &boundaryManager)
void adoptGrid (std::shared_ptr< Grid > const &grid)
void adoptGrid (std::shared_ptr< typename Grid::HostGrid > const &hostGrid)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from StandardProblemIteration
Flag buildAndAdapt (AdaptInfo &adaptInfo, Flag toDo)
 Nested assemblage and mesh adaption.

Protected Attributes

std::string name_
 Name of this problem.
std::shared_ptr< Grid > grid_
 Grid of this problem.
std::string gridName_ = "mesh"
 Name of the grid.
std::shared_ptr< BoundaryManager< Grid > > boundaryManager_
 Management of boundary conditions.
std::shared_ptr< GlobalBasis > globalBasis_
 FE space of this problem.
std::list< std::shared_ptr< FileWriterInterface > > filewriter_
 A FileWriter object.
std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< Marker< Grid > > > marker_
 Pointer to the adaptation markers.
std::shared_ptr< LinearSolverInterfacelinearSolver_
 Pointer to the estimators for this problem. More...
std::shared_ptr< SystemMatrixsystemMatrix_
 Matrix that is filled during assembling.
std::shared_ptr< SolutionVectorsolution_
 Vector with the solution components.
std::shared_ptr< SystemVectorrhs_
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > estimates_
std::list< BoundaryCondition< SystemMatrix, SolutionVector, SystemVector > > constraints_
 List of constraints to apply to matrix, solution and rhs.
- Protected Attributes inherited from StandardProblemIteration
 The problem to solve.


class ProblemInstat< Traits >

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ProblemStat()

ProblemStat ( std::string const &  name,
Grid_ &&  grid 

Constructor taking additionally a grid that is used instead of the default created grid, ProblemStat

References ProblemStat< Traits >::grid().

Member Function Documentation

◆ adaptGrid()

Flag adaptGrid ( AdaptInfo adaptInfo)

Implementation of ProblemStatBase::refineMesh.

Implements ProblemStatBase.

◆ addDirichletBC()

void addDirichletBC ( Predicate const &  predicate,
RowTreePath  row,
ColTreePath  col,
Values const &  values 

Add boundary conditions to the system.

Dirichlet boundary condition Enforce Dirichlet boundary values for the solution vector on boundary regions identified by the predicate.

predicateFunctor bool(WorldVector) returning true for all DOFs on the boundary that should be assigned a value.
rowTreePath identifying the sub-basis in the global basis tree corresponding to the row basis.
See also
colTreePath identifying the sub-basis in the global basis tree corresponding to the column basis.
See also
valuesFunctor Range(WorldVector) or any GridFunction that is evaluated in the DOFs identified by the predicate.


prob.addDirichletBC([](auto const& x) { return x[0] < 1.e-8; }, 0, 0,
[](auto const& x) { return 0.0; });

References AMDiS::Concepts::Functor, AMDiS::makeGridFunction(), and AMDiS::Concepts::Predicate.

◆ addMarker()

void addMarker ( Marker_ &&  m)

Store the shared_ptr and the name of the marker in the problem.

Note: multiple markers can be added but must have different names

◆ addMatrixOperator() [1/2]

void addMatrixOperator ( BoundaryType  b,
Operator const &  op,
RowTreePath  row = {},
ColTreePath  col = {} 

Operator evaluated on the boundary of the domain with boundary index b

Adds an operator to the list of boundary operators to be assembled in quadrature points on the boundary intersections.

bBoundary identifier where to assemble this operator. Can be constructed from an integer.
See also
opA (pre-) local operator,
See also
rowTreePath identifying the sub-basis in the global basis tree corresponding to the row basis.
See also
colTreePath identifying the sub-basis in the global basis tree corresponding to the column basis.
See also


auto op = makeOperator(tag::test_trial{}, alpha);
prob.addMatrixOperator(BoundaryType{1}, op, _0, _0);
auto makeOperator(Tag const &tag, Expr &&expr, int gridFctDeg=-1)
Definition: GridFunctionOperator.hpp:235
Definition: ZeroOrderTestTrial.hpp:18

◆ addMatrixOperator() [2/2]

void addMatrixOperator ( Operator const &  op,
RowTreePath  row = {},
ColTreePath  col = {} 

Add an operator to A.

Operator evaluated on the whole element Adds an operator to the list of element operators to be assembled in quadrature points inside the element.

opA (pre-) local operator,
See also
rowTreePath identifying the sub-basis in the global basis tree corresponding to the row basis.
See also
colTreePath identifying the sub-basis in the global basis tree corresponding to the column basis.
See also


auto op = makeOperator(tag::test_trial{}, 1.0/tau);
prob.addMatrixOperator(op, _0, _0);

◆ addPeriodicBC()

void addPeriodicBC ( BoundaryType  id,
WorldMatrix const &  A,
WorldVector const &  b 

Add a periodic boundary conditions to the system, by specifying a face transformation y = A*x + b of coordinates. We assume, that A is orthonormal.

◆ addVectorOperator() [1/2]

void addVectorOperator ( BoundaryType  b,
Operator const &  op,
TreePath  path = {} 

Operator evaluated on the boundary of the domain with boundary index b

Adds an operator to the list of boundary operators to be assembled in quadrature points on the boundary intersections.

bBoundary identifier where to assemble this operator. Can be constructed from an integer.
See also
opA (pre-) local operator,
See also
pathTreePath identifying the sub-basis in the global basis tree corresponding to the row basis.
See also


auto op = makeOperator(tag::test{}, [g](auto const& x) { return g(x); });
prob.addVectorOperator(BoundaryType{1}, op, _0);
Definition: ZeroOrderTest.hpp:17

◆ addVectorOperator() [2/2]

void addVectorOperator ( Operator const &  op,
TreePath  path = {} 

Add an operator to rhs.

Operator evaluated on the whole element Adds an operator to the list of element operators to be assembled in quadrature points inside the element.

opA (pre-) local operator,
See also
pathTreePath identifying the sub-basis in the global basis tree corresponding to the row basis.
See also


auto op = makeOperator(tag::test{}, probInstat.getOldSolution(0) / tau);
prob.addVectorOperator(op, _0);

◆ buildAfterAdapt()

void buildAfterAdapt ( AdaptInfo adaptInfo,
Flag  flag,
bool  asmMatrix = true,
bool  asmVector = true 

Implementation of ProblemStatBase::buildAfterCoarse.

Implements ProblemStatBase.

◆ estimate()

void estimate ( AdaptInfo )

Implementation of ProblemStatBase::estimate.

Implements ProblemStatBase.

◆ globalCoarsen()

Flag globalCoarsen ( int  n)

Uniform global grid coarsening by up to n level.

Implements ProblemStatBase.

◆ globalRefine()

Flag globalRefine ( int  n)

Uniform global refinement by n level.

Implements ProblemStatBase.

References ProblemStat< Traits >::globalRefine().

Referenced by ProblemStat< Traits >::globalRefine().

◆ initialize()

void initialize ( Flag  initFlag,
Self adoptProblem = nullptr,
Flag  adoptFlag = INIT_NOTHING 

◆ markElements()

Flag markElements ( AdaptInfo adaptInfo)

Implementation of ProblemStatBase::markElements.

Implements ProblemStatBase.

◆ name()

std::string const & name ( ) const

Implementation of ProblemStatBase::name.

Implements ProblemStatBase.

◆ oneIteration()

Flag oneIteration ( AdaptInfo adaptInfo,

◆ restore()

void restore ( Flag  initFlag)

Read the grid and solution from backup files and initialize the problem.

Parameters read in restore() for problem with name 'PROB'

  • [PROB]->restore->grid: name of the grid backup file
  • [PROB]->restore->solution: name of the solution backup file

References Flag::isSet().

◆ setGrid()

void setGrid ( Grid_ &&  grid)

Set the grid. Stores pointer and initializes feSpaces matrices and vectors, as well as markers and file-writers. If grid is given as reference, wrap it into a non-destroying shared_ptr

◆ solution() [1/2]

auto solution ( Indices...  ii)

Return a mutable view to a solution component.

Template Parameters
RangeThe range type return by evaluating the view in coordinates. If not specified, it is automatically selected using RangeType_t template.

◆ solution() [2/2]

auto solution ( Indices...  ii) const

Return a const view to a solution component.

Template Parameters
RangeThe range type return by evaluating the view in coordinates. If not specified, it is automatically selected using RangeType_t template.

◆ solve()

void solve ( AdaptInfo adaptInfo,
bool  createMatrixData = true,
bool  storeMatrixData = false 

Implementation of ProblemStatBase::solve.

Implements ProblemStatBase.

Member Data Documentation

◆ estimates_

std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> > estimates_

A vector with the local element error estimates for each node in the basis tree, indexed by [to_string(treePath)][element index]

Referenced by ProblemStat< Traits >::initialize().

◆ linearSolver_

std::shared_ptr<LinearSolverInterface> linearSolver_

Pointer to the estimators for this problem.

An object of the linearSolver Interface

Referenced by ProblemStat< Traits >::initialize().

◆ rhs_

std::shared_ptr<SystemVector> rhs_

Vector (load-vector) corresponding to the right-hand side of the equation, filled during assembling

Referenced by ProblemStat< Traits >::initialize().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: