AMDiS 2.10
The Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulation Toolbox
TaylorHoodBasis< Grid, k > Struct Template Reference

ProblemStatTraits of Taylor-Hood basis of lagrange-type with pressure degree k. More...

#include <ProblemStatTraits.hpp>

Inherits DefaultBasisCreator< Grid, Impl::TaylorHoodPreBasisCreator< Grid::dimensionworld, 1 > >.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from DefaultBasisCreator< Grid, Impl::TaylorHoodPreBasisCreator< Grid::dimensionworld, 1 > >
using Grid = AdaptiveGrid_t< Grid >
using GridView = typename Grid::LeafGridView
using GlobalBasis = decltype(create(std::declval< GridView >()))
using CoefficientType = double
using Backend = BackendTraits
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DefaultBasisCreator< Grid, Impl::TaylorHoodPreBasisCreator< Grid::dimensionworld, 1 > >
static auto create (std::string const &name, GridView const &gridView)
static auto create (GridView const &gridView)

Detailed Description

template<class Grid, int k = 1>
struct AMDiS::TaylorHoodBasis< Grid, k >

ProblemStatTraits of Taylor-Hood basis of lagrange-type with pressure degree k.

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