Quick Installation

If certbot (or letsencrypt) is packaged for your Unix OS (visit certbot.eff.org to find out), you can install it from there, and run it by typing certbot (or letsencrypt). Because not all operating systems have packages yet, we provide a temporary solution via the certbot-auto wrapper script, which obtains some dependencies from your OS and puts others in a python virtual environment:

user@webserver:~$ wget https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto
user@webserver:~$ chmod a+x ./certbot-auto
user@webserver:~$ ./certbot-auto --help


The certbot-auto download is protected by HTTPS, which is pretty good, but if you’d like to double check the integrity of the certbot-auto script, you can use these steps for verification before running it:

user@server:~$ wget -N https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto.asc
user@server:~$ gpg2 --recv-key A2CFB51FA275A7286234E7B24D17C995CD9775F2
user@server:~$ gpg2 --trusted-key 4D17C995CD9775F2 --verify certbot-auto.asc certbot-auto

And for full command line help, you can type:

./certbot-auto --help all

certbot-auto updates to the latest client release automatically. And since certbot-auto is a wrapper to certbot, it accepts exactly the same command line flags and arguments. More details about this script and other installation methods can be found in the User Guide.