Functions for translating music21 objects and
Mostly, these functions are for advanced, low level usage.
For basic importing of ABC files from a file or URL to a
, use the music21 converter
module’s parse()
- music21.abcFormat.translate.abcToStreamOpus(abcHandler, inputM21=None, number=None)¶
Convert a multi-work stream into one or more complete works packed into an Opus Stream.
If a number argument is given, and a work is defined by that number, that work is returned.
- music21.abcFormat.translate.abcToStreamPart(abcHandler, inputM21=None, spannerBundle=None)¶
Handler conversion of a single Part of a Score with multiple Parts. Results are added into the provided inputM21 object or a newly created Part object
The part object is then returned.
- music21.abcFormat.translate.abcToStreamScore(abcHandler, inputM21=None)¶
Given an abcHandler object, build into a multi-part
with metadata.This assumes that this ABCHandler defines a single work (with 1 or fewer reference numbers).
if the optional parameter inputM21 is given a music21 Stream subclass, it will use that object as the outermost object. However, inner parts will always be made
- music21.abcFormat.translate.parseTokens(mh, dst, p, useMeasures)¶
parses all the tokens in a measure or part.
- music21.abcFormat.translate.reBar(music21Part, *, inPlace=False)¶
Re-bar overflow measures using the last known time signature.
>>> irl2 = corpus.parse('irl', number=2) >>> irl2.metadata.title 'Aililiu na Gamhna, S.35' >>> music21Part = irl2[1]
The whole part is in 2/4 time, but there are some measures expressed in 4/4 time without an explicit time signature change, an error in abc parsing due to the omission of barlines. The method will split those measures such that they conform to the last time signature, in this case 2/4. The default is to reBar in place. The measure numbers are updated accordingly.
(NOTE: reBar is called automatically in abcToStreamPart, hence not demonstrated below…)
The key signature and clef are assumed to be the same in the second measure after the split, so both are omitted. If the time signature is not the same in the second measure, the new time signature is indicated, and the measure following returns to the last time signature, except in the case that a new time signature is indicated.
>>> music21Part.measure(15).show('text') {0.0} <music21.note.Note A> {1.0} <music21.note.Note A>
>>> music21Part.measure(16).show('text') {0.0} <music21.note.Note A> {0.5} <music21.note.Note B-> {1.0} <music21.note.Note A> {1.5} <music21.note.Note G>
An example where the time signature wouldn’t be the same. This score is mistakenly marked as 4/4, but has some measures that are longer.
>>> irl15 = corpus.parse('irl', number=15) >>> irl15.metadata.title 'Esternowe, S. 60' >>> music21Part2 = # 4/4 time signature >>> music21Part2.measure(1).show('text') {0.0} <music21.note.Note C> {1.0} <music21.note.Note A> {1.5} <music21.note.Note G> {2.0} <music21.note.Note E> {2.5} <music21.note.Note G> >>> music21Part2.measure(1)[-1].duration.quarterLength 1.5
>>> music21Part2.measure(2).show('text') {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 1/8> {0.0} <music21.note.Note E>
Changed in v.5: inPlace is False by default, and a keyword only argument.