

class music21.alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
>>> ins = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Insertion
>>> ins.color
>>> deletion = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Deletion
>>> deletion.color
>>> subs = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Substitution
>>> subs.color
>>> noChange = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.NoChange
>>> noChange.color is None


class music21.alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetStream=None, sourceStream=None, hasher_func=None, preHashed=False)

Stream Aligner is a dumb object that takes in two streams and forces them to align without any thought to any external variables

These terms are associated with the Target stream are: - n, the number of rows in the distance matrix, the left-most column of the matrix - i, the index into rows in the distance matrix - the first element of tuple

These terms are associated with the Source stream are: - m, the number of columns in the distance matrix, the top-most row of the matrix - j, the index into columns in the distance matrix - the second element of tuple

StreamAligner methods


Traverses through self.distanceMatrix from bottom right corner to top left looking at bestOp at every move to determine which change was most likely at any point. Compiles the list of changes in self.changes. Also calculates some metrics like self.similarityScore and self.changesCount.

>>> note1 = note.Note('C#4')
>>> note2 = note.Note('C4')

test 1: one insertion, one no change. Target stream has one more note than source stream, so source stream needs an insertion to match target stream. should be 0.5 similarity between the two

>>> targetA = stream.Stream()
>>> sourceA = stream.Stream()
>>> targetA.append([note1, note2])
>>> sourceA.append(note1)
>>> saA = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetA, sourceA)
>>> saA.makeHashedStreams()
>>> saA.setupDistanceMatrix()
>>> saA.populateDistanceMatrix()
>>> saA.calculateChangesList()
>>> saA.changesCount[alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Insertion]
>>> saA.changesCount[alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.NoChange]
>>> saA.similarityScore

test 2: one deletion, one no change. Target stream has one fewer note than source stream, so source stream needs a deletion to match target stream. should be 0.5 similarity between the two

>>> targetB = stream.Stream()
>>> sourceB = stream.Stream()
>>> targetB.append(note1)
>>> sourceB.append([note1, note2])
>>> saB = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetB, sourceB)
>>> saB.makeHashedStreams()
>>> saB.setupDistanceMatrix()
>>> saB.populateDistanceMatrix()
>>> saB.calculateChangesList()
>>> saB.changesCount[alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Deletion]
>>> saB.changesCount[alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.NoChange]
>>> saB.similarityScore

test 3: no changes

>>> targetC = stream.Stream()
>>> sourceC = stream.Stream()
>>> targetC.append([note1, note2])
>>> sourceC.append([note1, note2])
>>> saC = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetC, sourceC)
>>> saC.makeHashedStreams()
>>> saC.setupDistanceMatrix()
>>> saC.populateDistanceMatrix()
>>> saC.calculateChangesList()
>>> saC.changesCount[alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.NoChange]
>>> saC.similarityScore

test 4: 1 no change, 1 substitution

>>> targetD = stream.Stream()
>>> sourceD = stream.Stream()
>>> note3 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note3.quarterLength = 2  # same pitch and offset as note2
>>> targetD.append([note1, note2])
>>> sourceD.append([note1, note3])
>>> saD = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetD, sourceD)
>>> saD.makeHashedStreams()
>>> saD.setupDistanceMatrix()
>>> saD.populateDistanceMatrix()
>>> saD.calculateChangesList()
>>> saD.changesCount[alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Substitution]
>>> saD.changesCount[alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.NoChange]
>>> saD.similarityScore
StreamAligner.calculateNumSimilarities(targetTup, sourceTup)

Returns the number of attributes that two tuples have that are the same

>>> target = stream.Stream()
>>> source = stream.Stream()
>>> note1 = note.Note('D1')
>>> target.append([note1])
>>> source.append([note1])
>>> sa = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target, source)
>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> NoteHash = namedtuple('NoteHash', ['Pitch', 'Duration'])
>>> nh1 = NoteHash(60, 4)
>>> nhwr1 = alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHashWithReference(nh1)
>>> nhwr1.reference = note.Note('C4')
>>> nhwr1
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=60, Duration=4)
>>> nh2 = NoteHash(60, 4)
>>> nhwr2 = alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHashWithReference(nh2)
>>> nhwr2.reference = note.Note('C4')
>>> nhwr2
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=60, Duration=4)
>>> sa.calculateNumSimilarities(nhwr1, nhwr2)
>>> nh3 = NoteHash(61, 4)
>>> nhwr3 = alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHashWithReference(nh3)
>>> nhwr3.reference = note.Note('C#4')
>>> nhwr3
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=61, Duration=4)
>>> sa.calculateNumSimilarities(nhwr1, nhwr3)
>>> nh4 = NoteHash(59, 1)
>>> nhwr4 = alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHashWithReference(nh4)
>>> nhwr4.reference = note.Note('B3')
>>> nhwr4
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=59, Duration=1)
>>> sa.calculateNumSimilarities(nhwr2, nhwr4)

Cost of deleting an extra hashed item. For now, it’s just the size of the keys of the NoteHashWithReference

>>> target = stream.Stream()
>>> source = stream.Stream()
>>> note1 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note2 = note.Note('D4')
>>> note3 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note4 = note.Note('E4')
>>> target.append([note1, note2, note3, note4])
>>> source.append([note1, note2, note3])

This is a StreamAligner with default hasher settings

>>> sa0 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target, source)
>>> sa0.align()
>>> tup0 = sa0.hashedSourceStream[0]
>>> sa0.deleteCost(tup0)

This is a StreamAligner with a modified hasher that doesn’t hash pitch at all

>>> sa1 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target, source)
>>> sa1.hasher.hashPitch = False
>>> sa1.align()
>>> tup1 = sa1.hashedSourceStream[0]
>>> sa1.deleteCost(tup1)

This is a StreamAligner with a modified hasher that hashes 3 additional properties

>>> sa2 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target, source)
>>> sa2.hasher.hashOctave = True
>>> sa2.hasher.hashIntervalFromLastNote = True
>>> sa2.hasher.hashIsAccidental = True
>>> sa2.align()
>>> tup2 = sa2.hashedSourceStream[0]
>>> sa2.deleteCost(tup2)

returns a default hasher.Hasher object that does not hashOffset or include the reference.

called by __init__ if no hasher is passed in.

>>> sa = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner()
>>> h = sa.getDefaultHasher()
>>> h
<music21.alpha.analysis.hasher.Hasher object at 0x1068cf6a0>
>>> h.hashOffset
>>> h.includeReference
StreamAligner.getOpFromLocation(i, j)

Insert, Delete, Substitution, No Change = range(4)

return the direction that traceback moves 0: vertical movement, insertion 1: horizontal movement, deletion 2: diagonal movement, substitution 3: diagonal movement, no change

raises a ValueError if i == 0 and j == 0. >>> target = stream.Stream() >>> source = stream.Stream()

>>> note1 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note2 = note.Note('D4')
>>> note3 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note4 = note.Note('E4')
>>> target.append([note1, note2, note3, note4])
>>> source.append([note1, note2, note3])
>>> sa = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target, source)
>>> sa.makeHashedStreams()
>>> sa.setupDistanceMatrix()
>>> sa.populateDistanceMatrix()
>>> sa.distanceMatrix
array([[0, 2, 4, 6],
       [2, 0, 2, 4],
       [4, 2, 0, 2],
       [6, 4, 2, 0],
       [8, 6, 4, 2]])
>>> sa.getOpFromLocation(4, 3)
<ChangeOps.Insertion: 0>
>>> sa.getOpFromLocation(2, 2)
<ChangeOps.NoChange: 3>
>>> sa.getOpFromLocation(0, 2)
<ChangeOps.Deletion: 1>
>>> sa.distanceMatrix[0][0] = 1
>>> sa.distanceMatrix
array([[1, 2, 4, 6],
       [2, 0, 2, 4],
       [4, 2, 0, 2],
       [6, 4, 2, 0],
       [8, 6, 4, 2]])
>>> sa.getOpFromLocation(1, 1)
<ChangeOps.Substitution: 2>
>>> sa.getOpFromLocation(0, 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: No movement possible from the origin
StreamAligner.getPossibleMovesFromLocation(i, j)

i and j are current row and column index in self.distanceMatrix returns all possible moves (0 up to 3) vertical, horizontal, diagonal costs of adjacent entries in self.distMatrix

>>> target = stream.Stream()
>>> source = stream.Stream()
>>> note1 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note2 = note.Note('D4')
>>> note3 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note4 = note.Note('E4')
>>> target.append([note1, note2, note3, note4])
>>> source.append([note1, note2, note3])
>>> sa = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target, source)
>>> sa.makeHashedStreams()
>>> sa.setupDistanceMatrix()
>>> for i in range(4+1):
...     for j in range(3+1):
...         sa.distanceMatrix[i][j] = i * j
>>> sa.distanceMatrix
array([[ 0,  0,  0,  0],
       [ 0,  1,  2,  3],
       [ 0,  2,  4,  6],
       [ 0,  3,  6,  9],
       [ 0,  4,  8, 12]])
>>> sa.getPossibleMovesFromLocation(0, 0)
[None, None, None]
>>> sa.getPossibleMovesFromLocation(1, 1)
[0, 0, 0]
>>> sa.getPossibleMovesFromLocation(4, 3)
[9, 8, 6]
>>> sa.getPossibleMovesFromLocation(2, 2)
[2, 2, 1]
>>> sa.getPossibleMovesFromLocation(0, 2)
[None, 0, None]
>>> sa.getPossibleMovesFromLocation(3, 0)
[0, None, None]

Cost of inserting an extra hashed item. For now, it’s just the size of the keys of the NoteHashWithReference

>>> target = stream.Stream()
>>> source = stream.Stream()
>>> note1 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note2 = note.Note('D4')
>>> note3 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note4 = note.Note('E4')
>>> target.append([note1, note2, note3, note4])
>>> source.append([note1, note2, note3])

This is a StreamAligner with default hasher settings

>>> sa0 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target, source)
>>> sa0.align()
>>> tup0 = sa0.hashedTargetStream[0]
>>> sa0.insertCost(tup0)

This is a StreamAligner with a modified hasher that doesn’t hash pitch at all

>>> sa1 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target, source)
>>> sa1.hasher.hashPitch = False
>>> sa1.align()
>>> tup1 = sa1.hashedTargetStream[0]
>>> sa1.insertCost(tup1)

This is a StreamAligner with a modified hasher that hashes 3 additional properties

>>> sa2 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target, source)
>>> sa2.hasher.hashOctave = True
>>> sa2.hasher.hashIntervalFromLastNote = True
>>> sa2.hasher.hashIsAccidental = True
>>> sa2.align()
>>> tup2 = sa2.hashedTargetStream[0]
>>> sa2.insertCost(tup2)

Hashes streams if not pre-hashed

>>> tStream = stream.Stream()
>>> sStream = stream.Stream()
>>> note1 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note2 = note.Note('D4')
>>> note3 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note4 = note.Note('E4')
>>> tStream.append([note1, note2])
>>> sStream.append([note3, note4])
>>> sa1 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(tStream, sStream)
>>> h = alpha.analysis.hasher.Hasher()
>>> h.includeReference = True
>>> toBeHashedTarStream = stream.Stream()
>>> toBeHashedSouStream = stream.Stream()
>>> note5 = note.Note('A4')
>>> note6 = note.Note('B4')
>>> note7 = note.Note('A4')
>>> note8 = note.Note('G4')
>>> toBeHashedTarStream.append([note5, note6])
>>> toBeHashedSouStream.append([note7, note8])
>>> hashedTarStr = h.hashStream(toBeHashedTarStream)
>>> hashedSouStr = h.hashStream(toBeHashedSouStream)
>>> sa2 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(
...             hashedTarStr, hashedSouStr, preHashed=True)
>>> sa2.makeHashedStreams()
>>> sa1.makeHashedStreams()
>>> sa1.hashedTargetStream
[NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=60, Duration=1.0),
 NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=62, Duration=1.0)]
>>> sa1.hashedSourceStream
[NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=60, Duration=1.0),
 NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=64, Duration=1.0)]
>>> sa2.hashedTargetStream
[NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=69, Duration=1.0, Offset=0.0),
 NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=71, Duration=1.0, Offset=1.0)]
>>> sa2.hashedSourceStream
[NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=69, Duration=1.0, Offset=0.0),
 NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=67, Duration=1.0, Offset=1.0)]

Sets up the distance matrix for back-tracing

>>> note1 = note.Note('C#4')
>>> note2 = note.Note('C4')

Test 1: similar streams

>>> targetA = stream.Stream()
>>> sourceA = stream.Stream()
>>> targetA.append([note1, note2])
>>> sourceA.append([note1, note2])
>>> saA = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetA, sourceA)
>>> saA.makeHashedStreams()
>>> saA.setupDistanceMatrix()
>>> saA.populateDistanceMatrix()
>>> saA.distanceMatrix
array([[0, 2, 4],
       [2, 0, 2],
       [4, 2, 0]])

Second Test

>>> targetB = stream.Stream()
>>> sourceB = stream.Stream()
>>> targetB.append([note1, note2])
>>> sourceB.append(note1)
>>> saB = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetB, sourceB)
>>> saB.makeHashedStreams()
>>> saB.setupDistanceMatrix()
>>> saB.populateDistanceMatrix()
>>> saB.distanceMatrix
array([[0, 2],
       [2, 0],
       [4, 2]])

Third Test

>>> note3 = note.Note('D5')
>>> note3.quarterLength = 3
>>> note4 = note.Note('E3')
>>> targetC = stream.Stream()
>>> sourceC = stream.Stream()
>>> targetC.append([note1, note2, note4])
>>> sourceC.append([note3, note1, note4])
>>> saC = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetC, sourceC)
>>> saC.makeHashedStreams()
>>> saC.setupDistanceMatrix()
>>> saC.populateDistanceMatrix()
>>> saC.distanceMatrix
array([[0, 2, 4, 6],
   [2, 2, 2, 4],
   [4, 4, 3, 3],
   [6, 6, 5, 3]])

Creates a distance matrix of the right size after hashing

>>> note1 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note2 = note.Note('D4')
>>> note3 = note.Note('C4')
>>> note4 = note.Note('E4')

Test for streams of length 3 and 4

>>> target0 = converter.parse('tinyNotation: C4 D C E')
>>> source0 = converter.parse('tinyNotation: C4 D C')
>>> sa0 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target0, source0)
>>> sa0.setupDistanceMatrix()
>>> sa0.distanceMatrix.size
>>> sa0.distanceMatrix.shape
(5, 4)

Test for empty target stream

>>> target1 = stream.Stream()
>>> source1 = stream.Stream()
>>> source1.append(note1)
>>> sa1 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target1, source1)
>>> sa1.makeHashedStreams()
>>> sa1.setupDistanceMatrix()
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cannot perform alignment with empty target stream.

Test for empty source stream

>>> target2 = stream.Stream()
>>> source2 = stream.Stream()
>>> target2.append(note3)
>>> sa2 = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target2, source2)
>>> sa2.makeHashedStreams()
>>> sa2.setupDistanceMatrix()
Traceback (most recent call last):
    Cannot perform alignment with empty source stream.

Visual and debugging feature to display which notes are changed. Will open in musescore, unless show is set to False

StreamAligner.substitutionCost(targetTup, sourceTup)

Finds the cost of substituting the targetTup with the sourceTup. For now, it’s just an interpolation of how many things they have in common

Example: equality testing, both streams made from same note targetA will not have the same reference as sourceA but their hashes will be equal, which makes for their hashed objects to be able to be equal.

>>> note1 = note.Note('C4')
>>> targetA = stream.Stream()
>>> sourceA = stream.Stream()
>>> targetA.append(note1)
>>> sourceA.append(note1)
>>> targetA == sourceA
>>> saA = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetA, sourceA)
>>> saA.align()
>>> hashedItem1A = saA.hashedTargetStream[0]
>>> hashedItem2A = saA.hashedSourceStream[0]
>>> print(hashedItem1A)
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=60, Duration=1.0)
>>> print(hashedItem2A)
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=60, Duration=1.0)
>>> saA.tupleEqualityWithoutReference(hashedItem1A, hashedItem2A)
>>> saA.substitutionCost(hashedItem1A, hashedItem2A)
>>> note2 = note.Note('D4')
>>> targetB = stream.Stream()
>>> sourceB = stream.Stream()
>>> targetB.append(note1)
>>> sourceB.append(note2)
>>> saB = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetB, sourceB)
>>> saB.align()
>>> hashedItem1B = saB.hashedTargetStream[0]
>>> hashedItem2B = saB.hashedSourceStream[0]

hashed items only differ in 1 spot

>>> print(hashedItem1B)
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=60, Duration=1.0)
>>> print(hashedItem2B)
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=62, Duration=1.0)
>>> saB.substitutionCost(hashedItem1B, hashedItem2B)
>>> note3 = note.Note('E4')
>>> note4 = note.Note('E#4')
>>> note4.duration = duration.Duration('half')
>>> targetC = stream.Stream()
>>> sourceC = stream.Stream()
>>> targetC.append(note3)
>>> sourceC.append(note4)
>>> saC = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(targetC, sourceC)
>>> saC.align()
>>> hashedItem1C = saC.hashedTargetStream[0]
>>> hashedItem2C = saC.hashedSourceStream[0]

hashed items should differ in 2 spots

>>> print(hashedItem1C)
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=64, Duration=1.0)
>>> print(hashedItem2C)
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=65, Duration=2.0)
>>> saC.substitutionCost(hashedItem1C, hashedItem2C)
StreamAligner.tupleEqualityWithoutReference(tup1, tup2)

Returns whether two hashed items have the same attributes, even though their references are different?

>>> target = stream.Stream()
>>> source = stream.Stream()
>>> note1 = note.Note('D1')
>>> target.append([note1])
>>> source.append([note1])
>>> sa = alpha.analysis.aligner.StreamAligner(target, source)
>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> NoteHash = namedtuple('NoteHash', ['Pitch', 'Duration'])
>>> nh1 = NoteHash(60, 4)
>>> nhwr1 = alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHashWithReference(nh1)
>>> nhwr1.reference = note.Note('C4')
>>> nhwr1
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=60, Duration=4)
>>> nh2 = NoteHash(60, 4)
>>> nhwr2 = alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHashWithReference(nh2)
>>> nhwr2.reference = note.Note('B#3')
>>> nhwr2
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=60, Duration=4)
>>> sa.tupleEqualityWithoutReference(nhwr1, nhwr2)

This is a very difference has

>>> nh3 = NoteHash(61, 4)
>>> nhwr3 = alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHashWithReference(nh3)
>>> nhwr3.reference = note.Note('C#4')
>>> nhwr3
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=61, Duration=4)
>>> sa.tupleEqualityWithoutReference(nhwr1, nhwr3)