Functions stream.Stream, *, recurse: bool = False, onlyIfTied: bool = True) None

Locate consecutive notes or rests in s (or its substreams if recurse is True) that are unnecessarily expressed as tuplets and replace them with a single element. These groups must:

  • be consecutive (with respect to GeneralNote objects)

  • be all rests, or all pitches

  • all have expressionIsInferred = True.

  • sum to the tuplet’s total length

  • if NotRest, all must be tied (if onlyIfTied is True)

The groups are consolidated by prolonging the first note or rest in the group and removing the subsequent elements from the stream. (Destructive edit, so make a copy first if desired.)

  • New in v8.

>>> s = stream.Stream()
>>> r = note.Rest(quarterLength=1/6)
>>> s.repeatAppend(r, 5)
>>> s.insert(5/6, note.Note(duration=r.duration))
>>> from import consolidateCompletedTuplets
>>> consolidateCompletedTuplets(s)
>>> [el.quarterLength for el in s.notesAndRests]
[0.5, Fraction(1, 6), Fraction(1, 6), Fraction(1, 6)]

mustBeTied is True by default:

>>> s2 = stream.Stream()
>>> n = note.Note(quarterLength=1/3)
>>> s2.repeatAppend(n, 3)
>>> consolidateCompletedTuplets(s)
>>> [el.quarterLength for el in s2.notesAndRests]
[Fraction(1, 3), Fraction(1, 3), Fraction(1, 3)]
>>> consolidateCompletedTuplets(s2, onlyIfTied=False)
>>> [el.quarterLength for el in s2.notesAndRests]

Does nothing if tuplet definitions are not the same. (In which case, see TupletFixer instead).

>>> s3 = stream.Stream([note.Rest(quarterLength=1/3), note.Rest(quarterLength=1/6)])
>>> for my_rest in s3.notesAndRests:
...   print(my_rest.duration.tuplets)
(<music21.duration.Tuplet 3/2/eighth>,)
(<music21.duration.Tuplet 3/2/16th>,)
>>> consolidateCompletedTuplets(s)
>>> [el.quarterLength for el in s3.notesAndRests]
[Fraction(1, 3), Fraction(1, 6)]

Does nothing if there are multiple (nested) tuplets. music21.note.NotRest) set[str] | None

helper method for makeAccidentals to get the tie pitch set (or None) from the prior

>>> n1 = note.Note('C4')
>>> n2 = note.Note('D4')
>>> n2.tie = tie.Tie('start')
>>> n3 = note.Note('E4')
>>> n3.tie = tie.Tie('stop')
>>> n4 = note.Note('F4')
>>> n4.tie = tie.Tie('continue')
>>> c = chord.Chord([n1, n2, n3, n4])
>>> tps = stream.makeNotation.getTiePitchSet(c)
>>> isinstance(tps, set)
>>> sorted(tps)
['D4', 'F4']

Non tie possessing objects return None

>>> r = bar.Repeat()
>>> stream.makeNotation.getTiePitchSet(r) is None

Note or Chord without ties, returns an empty set:

>>> n = note.Note('F#5')
>>> stream.makeNotation.getTiePitchSet(n)
>>> pChord = percussion.PercussionChord([note.Unpitched('D4'), note.Note('E5')])
>>> stream.makeNotation.getTiePitchSet(pChord)

Rest returns None

>>> r = note.Rest()
>>> stream.makeNotation.getTiePitchSet(r) is None
True StreamType, skipNoBeams=True, recurse=True) Generator[list[NotRest], None, None]

Generator that yields a List of NotRest objects that fall within a beam group.

If skipNoBeams is True, then NotRest objects that have no beams are skipped.

Recurse is True by default.

Unclosed beam groups (like start followed by a Rest before a stop), currently will continue to yield until the first stop, but this behavior may change at any time in the future as beaming-over-barlines with multiple voices or beaming across Parts or PartStaffs is supported.

>>> from import iterateBeamGroups
>>> sc = converter.parse('tinyNotation: 3/4 c8 d e f g4   a4 b8 a16 g16 f4')
>>> sc.makeBeams(inPlace=True)
>>> for beamGroup in iterateBeamGroups(sc):
...     print(beamGroup)
[<music21.note.Note C>, <music21.note.Note D>]
[<music21.note.Note E>, <music21.note.Note F>]
[<music21.note.Note B>, <music21.note.Note A>, <music21.note.Note G>]
>>> for beamGroup in iterateBeamGroups(sc, skipNoBeams=False):
...     print(beamGroup)
[<music21.note.Note C>, <music21.note.Note D>]
[<music21.note.Note E>, <music21.note.Note F>]
[<music21.note.Note G>]
[<music21.note.Note A>]
[<music21.note.Note B>, <music21.note.Note A>, <music21.note.Note G>]
[<music21.note.Note F>]

If recurse is False, assumes a flat Score:

>>> for beamGroup in iterateBeamGroups(sc, recurse=False):
...     print(beamGroup)
>>> for beamGroup in iterateBeamGroups(sc.flatten(), recurse=False):
...     print(beamGroup)
[<music21.note.Note C>, <music21.note.Note D>]
[<music21.note.Note E>, <music21.note.Note F>]
[<music21.note.Note B>, <music21.note.Note A>, <music21.note.Note G>]
  • New in v6.7. StreamType | StreamIterator, *, pitchPast: list[pitch.Pitch] | None = None, pitchPastMeasure: list[pitch.Pitch] | None = None, useKeySignature: bool | key.KeySignature = True, alteredPitches: list[pitch.Pitch] | None = None, cautionaryPitchClass: bool = True, cautionaryAll: bool = False, overrideStatus: bool = False, cautionaryNotImmediateRepeat: bool = True, tiePitchSet: set[str] | None = None) None

Makes accidentals in place on a stream that contains Measures. Helper for Stream.makeNotation and Part.makeAccidentals.

The function walks measures in order to update the values for the following keyword arguments of makeAccidentals() and calls that method on each Measure. (For this reason, the values supplied for these arguments in the method signature will be used on the first measure only, or in the case of useKeySignature, not at all if the first measure contains a KeySignature.):


Operates on the measures in place; make a copy first if this is not desired.

  • Changed in v8: the Stream may have other elements besides measures and the method

    will still work. StreamType, *, inPlace=False, setStemDirections=True, failOnNoTimeSignature=False) StreamType | None

Return a new Measure, or Stream of Measures, with beams applied to all notes. Measures with Voices will process voices independently.

Note that makeBeams() is automatically called in show(‘musicxml’) and other formats if there is no beaming information in the piece (see haveBeamsBeenMade).

If inPlace is True, this is done in-place; if inPlace is False, this returns a modified deep copy.

See getBeams() for the algorithm used.

>>> aMeasure = stream.Measure()
>>> aMeasure.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
>>> aNote = note.Note()
>>> aNote.quarterLength = 0.25
>>> aMeasure.repeatAppend(aNote, 16)
>>> bMeasure = aMeasure.makeBeams(inPlace=False)
>>> for i in range(4):
...   print(f'{i} {bMeasure.notes[i].beams!r}')
0 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/start>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>
1 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/continue>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/stop>>
2 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/continue>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>
3 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/stop>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/stop>>

This was formerly a bug – we could not have a partial-left beam at the start of a beam group. Now merges across the archetypeSpan

>>> aMeasure = stream.Measure()
>>> aMeasure.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
>>> for i in range(4):
...     aMeasure.append(note.Rest(quarterLength=0.25))
...     aMeasure.repeatAppend(note.Note('C4', quarterLength=0.25), 3)
>>> bMeasure = aMeasure.makeBeams(inPlace=False).notes
>>> for i in range(6):
...   print(f'{i} {bMeasure[i].beams!r}')
0 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/start>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>
1 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/continue>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/continue>>
2 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/stop>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/stop>>
3 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/start>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>
4 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/continue>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/continue>>
5 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/stop>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/stop>>

Grace notes no longer interfere with beaming:

>>> m = stream.Measure()
>>> m.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('3/4')
>>> m.repeatAppend(note.Note(quarterLength=0.25), 4)
>>> m.repeatAppend(note.Rest(), 2)
>>> gn = note.Note(duration=duration.GraceDuration())
>>> m.insert(0.25, gn)
>>> m.makeBeams(inPlace=True)
>>> [n.beams for n in m.notes]
[<music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/start>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>,
<music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/continue>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/stop>>,
<music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/continue>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>,
<music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/stop>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/stop>>] StreamType, *, meterStream=None, refStreamOrTimeRange=None, searchContext=False, innerBarline=None, finalBarline='final', bestClef=False, inPlace=False) StreamType | None

Takes a stream and places all of its elements into measures (Measure objects) based on the TimeSignature objects placed within the stream. If no TimeSignatures are found in the stream, a default of 4/4 is used.

If inPlace is True, the original Stream is modified and lost if inPlace is False, this returns a modified deep copy.

Many advanced features are available:

(1) If a meterStream is given, the TimeSignatures in this stream are used instead of any found in the Stream. Alternatively, a single TimeSignature object can be provided in lieu of the stream. This feature lets you test out how a group of notes might be interpreted as measures in a number of different metrical schemes.

(2) If refStreamOrTimeRange is provided, this Stream or List is used to give the span that you want to make measures as necessary to fill empty rests at the ends or beginnings of Streams, etc. Say for instance you’d like to make a complete score from a short ossia section, then you might use another Part from the Score as a refStreamOrTimeRange to make sure that the appropriate measures of rests are added at either side.

(3) If innerBarline is not None, the specified Barline object or string-specification of Barline style will be used to create Barline objects between every created Measure. The default is None.

(4) If finalBarline is not None, the specified Barline object or string-specification of Barline style will be used to create a Barline objects at the end of the last Measure. The default is ‘final’.

The searchContext parameter determines whether context searches are used to find Clef and other notation objects.

Here is a simple example of makeMeasures:

A single measure of 4/4 is created from a Stream containing only three quarter notes:

>>> sSrc = stream.Stream()
>>> sSrc.append(note.Note('C4', type='quarter'))
>>> sSrc.append(note.Note('D4', type='quarter'))
>>> sSrc.append(note.Note('E4', type='quarter'))
>>> sMeasures = sSrc.makeMeasures()
{0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {1.0} <music21.note.Note D>
    {2.0} <music21.note.Note E>
    {3.0} < type=final>

Notice that the last measure is incomplete – makeMeasures does not fill up incomplete measures.

We can also check that the measure created has the correct TimeSignature:

>>> sMeasures[0].timeSignature
<music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>

Now let’s redo this work in 2/4 by putting a TimeSignature of 2/4 at the beginning of the stream and rerunning makeMeasures. Now we will have two measures, each with correct measure numbers:

>>> sSrc.insert(0.0, meter.TimeSignature('2/4'))
>>> sMeasuresTwoFour = sSrc.makeMeasures()
{0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 2/4>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {1.0} <music21.note.Note D>
{2.0} < 2 offset=2.0>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note E>
    {1.0} < type=final>

Let us put 10 quarter notes in a Part.

>>> sSrc = stream.Part()
>>> n = note.Note('E-4')
>>> n.quarterLength = 1
>>> sSrc.repeatAppend(n, 10)

After we run makeMeasures, we will have 3 measures of 4/4 in a new Part object. This experiment demonstrates that running makeMeasures does not change the type of Stream you are using:

>>> sMeasures = sSrc.makeMeasures()
>>> len(sMeasures.getElementsByClass(stream.Measure))
>>> sMeasures.__class__.__name__

Demonstrate what makeMeasures will do with inPlace = True:

>>> sScr = stream.Score()
>>> sPart = stream.Part()
>>> sPart.insert(0, clef.TrebleClef())
>>> sPart.insert(0, meter.TimeSignature('3/4'))
>>> sPart.append(note.Note('C4', quarterLength = 3.0))
>>> sPart.append(note.Note('D4', quarterLength = 3.0))
>>> sScr.insert(0, sPart)
>>> sScr.makeMeasures(inPlace=True)
{0.0} < 0x...>
    {0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
        {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
        {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/4>
        {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {3.0} < 2 offset=3.0>
        {0.0} <music21.note.Note D>
        {3.0} < type=final>

If after running makeMeasures you run makeTies, it will also split long notes into smaller notes with ties. Lyrics and articulations are attached to the first note. Expressions (fermatas, etc.) will soon be attached to the last note but this is not yet done:

>>> p1 = stream.Part()
>>> p1.append(meter.TimeSignature('3/4'))
>>> longNote = note.Note('D#4')
>>> longNote.quarterLength = 7.5
>>> longNote.articulations = [articulations.Staccato()]
>>> longNote.lyric = 'hi'
>>> p1.append(longNote)
>>> partWithMeasures = p1.makeMeasures()
>>> partWithMeasures is not p1
>>> dummy = partWithMeasures.makeTies(inPlace=True)
{0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/4>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note D#>
{3.0} < 2 offset=3.0>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note D#>
{6.0} < 3 offset=6.0>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note D#>
    {1.5} < type=final>
>>> allNotes = partWithMeasures.flatten().notes
>>> allNotes[0].articulations
>>> allNotes[1].articulations
>>> allNotes[2].articulations
>>> [allNotes[0].lyric, allNotes[1].lyric, allNotes[2].lyric]
['hi', None, None]
  • Changed in v6: all but first attribute are keyword only

  • Changed in v7: now safe to call makeMeasures directly on a score containing parts Note | Chord, *, pitchPast: list[Pitch] | None = None, pitchPastMeasure: list[Pitch] | None = None, otherSimultaneousPitches: list[Pitch] | None = None, alteredPitches: list[Pitch] | None = None, cautionaryPitchClass: bool = True, cautionaryAll: bool = False, overrideStatus: bool = False, cautionaryNotImmediateRepeat: bool = True)

Makes accidentals for the ornamental pitches for any Ornaments on noteOrChord. This is very similar to the processing in pitch.updateAccidentalDisplay, except that there is no tie processing, since ornamental pitches cannot be tied. StreamType, *, refStreamOrTimeRange=None, fillGaps=False, timeRangeFromBarDuration=False, inPlace=False, hideRests=False) StreamType | None

Given a Stream with an offset not equal to zero, fill with one Rest preceding this offset. This can be called on any Stream, a Measure alone, or a Measure that contains Voices. This method recurses into Parts, Measures, and Voices, since users are unlikely to want “loose” rests outside sub-containers.

If refStreamOrTimeRange is provided as a Stream, this Stream is used to get min and max offsets. If a list is provided, the list assumed to provide minimum and maximum offsets. Rests will be added to fill all time defined within refStream.

If fillGaps is True, this will create rests in any time regions that have no active elements.

If timeRangeFromBarDuration is True, and the calling Stream is a Measure with a TimeSignature (or a Part containing them), the time range will be determined by taking the barDuration() and subtracting paddingLeft and paddingRight. This keyword takes priority over refStreamOrTimeRange. If both are provided, timeRangeFromBarDuration prevails, unless no TimeSignature can be found, in which case, the function falls back to refStreamOrTimeRange.

If inPlace is True, this is done in-place; if inPlace is False, this returns a modified deepcopy.

>>> a = stream.Stream()
>>> a.insert(20, note.Note())
>>> len(a)
>>> a.lowestOffset
{20.0} <music21.note.Note C>

Now make some rests…

>>> b = a.makeRests(inPlace=False)
>>> len(b)
>>> b.lowestOffset
{0.0} <music21.note.Rest 20ql>
{20.0} <music21.note.Note C>
>>> b[0].duration.quarterLength

Same thing, but this time, with gaps, and hidden rests…

>>> a = stream.Stream()
>>> a.insert(20, note.Note('C4'))
>>> a.insert(30, note.Note('D4'))
>>> len(a)
>>> a.lowestOffset
{20.0} <music21.note.Note C>
{30.0} <music21.note.Note D>
>>> b = a.makeRests(fillGaps=True, inPlace=False, hideRests=True)
>>> len(b)
>>> b.lowestOffset
{0.0} <music21.note.Rest 20ql>
{20.0} <music21.note.Note C>
{21.0} <music21.note.Rest 9ql>
{30.0} <music21.note.Note D>
>>> b[0].style.hideObjectOnPrint

Now with measures:

>>> a = stream.Part()
>>> a.insert(4, note.Note('C4'))
>>> a.insert(8, note.Note('D4'))
>>> len(a)
>>> a.lowestOffset
>>> a.insert(0, meter.TimeSignature('4/4'))
>>> a.makeMeasures(inPlace=True)
>>>'text', addEndTimes=True)
{0.0 - 0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0 - 0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0 - 0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
{4.0 - 5.0} < 2 offset=4.0>
    {0.0 - 1.0} <music21.note.Note C>
{8.0 - 9.0} < 3 offset=8.0>
    {0.0 - 1.0} <music21.note.Note D>
    {1.0 - 1.0} < type=final>
>>> a.makeRests(fillGaps=True, inPlace=True)
>>>'text', addEndTimes=True)
{0.0 - 4.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0 - 0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0 - 0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
    {0.0 - 4.0} <music21.note.Rest whole>
{4.0 - 8.0} < 2 offset=4.0>
    {0.0 - 1.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {1.0 - 4.0} <music21.note.Rest dotted-half>
{8.0 - 12.0} < 3 offset=8.0>
    {0.0 - 1.0} <music21.note.Note D>
    {1.0 - 4.0} <music21.note.Rest dotted-half>
    {4.0 - 4.0} < type=final>
  • Changed in v6: all but first attribute are keyword only

  • Changed in v7: - inPlace defaults False - Recurses into parts, measures, voices - Gave priority to timeRangeFromBarDuration over refStreamOrTimeRange

  • Changed in v8: scores (or other streams having parts) edited inPlace return None. ~music21.common.types.StreamType, *, meterStream=None, inPlace=False, displayTiedAccidentals=False, classFilterList=(<class 'music21.note.GeneralNote'>, )) StreamType | None

Given a stream containing measures, examine each element in the Stream. If the element’s duration extends beyond the measure’s boundary, create a tied entity, placing the split Note in the next Measure.

Note that this method assumes that there is appropriate space in the next Measure: this will not shift Note objects, but instead allocate them evenly over barlines.

If inPlace is True, this is done in-place; if inPlace is False, this returns a modified deep copy.

Put a 12-quarter-note-long note into a Stream w/ 4/4 as the duration.

>>> d = stream.Stream()
>>> d.insert(0, meter.TimeSignature('4/4'))
>>> n = note.Note('C4')
>>> n.quarterLength = 12
>>> d.insert(0, n)
{0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
{0.0} <music21.note.Note C>

After running makeMeasures, we get nice measures, a clef, but only one way-too-long note in Measure 1:

>>> x = d.makeMeasures()
{0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
{4.0} < 2 offset=4.0>

{8.0} < 3 offset=8.0>
    {0.0} < type=final>
>>> n2 = x.measure(1).notes[0]
>>> n2.duration.quarterLength
>>> n2 is n

But after running makeTies, all is good:

>>> x.makeTies(inPlace=True)
{0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
{4.0} < 2 offset=4.0>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
{8.0} < 3 offset=8.0>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {4.0} < type=final>
>>> m = x.measure(1).notes[0]
>>> m.duration.quarterLength
>>> m is n
>>> m.tie
<music21.tie.Tie start>
>>> x.measure(2).notes[0].tie
<music21.tie.Tie continue>
>>> x.measure(3).notes[0].tie
<music21.tie.Tie stop>

Same experiment, but with rests:

>>> d = stream.Stream()
>>> d.insert(0, meter.TimeSignature('4/4'))
>>> r = note.Rest()
>>> r.quarterLength = 12
>>> d.insert(0, r)
>>> x = d.makeMeasures()
>>> x.makeTies(inPlace=True)
{0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Rest whole>
{4.0} < 2 offset=4.0>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Rest whole>
{8.0} < 3 offset=8.0>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Rest whole>
    {4.0} < type=final>

Notes: uses base.Music21Object.splitAtQuarterLength() once it has figured out what to split.

  • Changed in v4: inPlace = False by default.

  • Changed in v6: all but first attribute are keyword only

  • New in v7: classFilterList acts as a filter on what elements will be operated on (i.e. have durations split and/or ties made.) The default (note.GeneralNote,) includes Notes, Chords, and Rests.

Here will we split and make ties only on Notes, leaving the too-long rest in measure 1 alone.

>>> p = stream.Part()
>>> p.append(meter.TimeSignature('2/4'))
>>> p.insert(0.0, note.Rest(quarterLength=3.0))
>>> p.insert(3.0, note.Note(quarterLength=3.0))
>>> p.makeMeasures(inPlace=True)
>>> p.makeTies(classFilterList=[note.Note], inPlace=True)
>>>'text', addEndTimes=True)
{0.0 - 3.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0 - 0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0 - 0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 2/4>
    {0.0 - 3.0} <music21.note.Rest dotted-half>
{2.0 - 4.0} < 2 offset=2.0>
    {1.0 - 2.0} <music21.note.Note C>
{4.0 - 6.0} < 3 offset=4.0>
    {0.0 - 2.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {2.0 - 2.0} < type=final>
>>> p.measure(3).notes[0].tie
<music21.tie.Tie stop> StreamType, *, inPlace=False) StreamType | None

Given a flat Stream of mixed durations, designates the first and last tuplet of any group of tuplets as the start or end of the tuplet, respectively.

>>> n = note.Note()
>>> n.duration.quarterLength = 1/3
>>> s = stream.Stream()
>>> s.insert(0, meter.TimeSignature('2/4'))
>>> s.repeatAppend(n, 6)
>>> tupletTypes = [x.duration.tuplets[0].type for x in s.notes]
>>> tupletTypes
[None, None, None, None, None, None]
>>> stream.makeNotation.makeTupletBrackets(s, inPlace=True)
>>> tupletTypes = [x.duration.tuplets[0].type for x in s.notes]
>>> tupletTypes
['start', None, 'stop', 'start', None, 'stop']

The tuplets must already be coherent. See TupletFixer for how to get that set up.

TODO: does not handle nested tuplets

  • Changed in v1.8: inPlace is False by default

  • Changed in v7: Legacy behavior of taking in a list of durations removed. StreamType, classFilterList=('GeneralNote',)) None

Move notes into voices. Happens inplace always. Returns None StreamType) list[Pitch]

Returns all ornamental Pitch objects found in any ornaments in notes/chords in the stream (and substreams) as a Python list.

Very much like the pitches property, except that instead of returning all the pitches found in notes and chords, it returns the ornamental pitches found in the ornaments on the notes and chords.

If you want a list of _all_ the pitches in a stream, including the ornamental pitches, you can call s.pitches and makeNotation.ornamentalPitches(s), and then combine the two resulting lists into one big list. StreamType) StreamType

Realize all ornaments on a stream

Creates a new stream that contains all realized ornaments in addition to other elements in the original stream.

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> m1 = stream.Measure()
>>> m1.number = 1
>>> m1.append(meter.TimeSignature('4/4'))
>>> n1 = note.Note('C4', type='whole')
>>> n1.expressions.append(expressions.Mordent())
>>> m1.append(n1)
>>> m2 = stream.Measure()
>>> m2.number = 2
>>> n2 = note.Note('D4', type='whole')
>>> m2.append(n2)
>>> s1.append(m1)
>>> s1.append(m2)
>>> for x in s1.recurse(includeSelf=True):
...     x
< ...>
< 1 offset=0.0>
<music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
<music21.note.Note C>
< 2 offset=4.0>
<music21.note.Note D>
>>> s2 = stream.makeNotation.realizeOrnaments(s1)
>>> for x in s2.recurse(includeSelf=True):
...     x
< ...>
< 1 offset=0.0>
<music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note B>
<music21.note.Note C>
< 2 offset=4.0>
<music21.note.Note D>
TODO: does not work for Gapful streams because it uses append rather

than the offset of the original Generator[None, None, None]

Restore accidental displayStatus on a Stream after an (inPlace) operation that sets accidental displayStatus (e.g. a transposition). Note that you should not do this unless you know that the displayStatus values will still be valid after the operation.

>>> sc = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> intv = interval.Interval('P8')
>>> classList = (key.KeySignature, note.Note)
>>> with stream.makeNotation.saveAccidentalDisplayStatus(sc):
...     sc.transpose(intv, inPlace=True, classFilterList=classList)
  • New in v9. StreamType, *, setNewStems=True, overrideConsistentStemDirections=False) None

Find all beam groups and set all the stemDirection tags for notes/chords in a beam group to point either up or down. If any other stem direction is encountered (‘double’, ‘noStem’, etc.) that note is skipped.

If all notes have the same (non-unspecified) direction, then they are left alone unless overrideConsistentStemDirections is True (default: False). For instance, getStemDirectionForPitches() might say “down” but if everything in the beamGroup is either

if setANewStems is True (as by default), then even notes with stemDirection of ‘unspecified’ get a stemDirection.

The method currently assumes that the clef does not change within a beam group. This assumption may change in the future without notice.

Operates in place. Run copy.deepcopy(s) beforehand for a non-inPlace version.

  • New in v6.7. list[NotRest], *, setNewStems=True, overrideConsistentStemDirections=False) None

Helper function to set stem directions for one beam group (or perhaps a beat, etc.)

See setStemDirectionForBeamGroups for detailed information.

  • New in v6.7. stream.Stream, *, recurse: bool = False, addTies: bool = True) None

Split notes or rests if doing so will complete any incomplete tuplets. The element being split must have a duration that exceeds the remainder of the incomplete tuplet.

The first note is edited; the additional notes are inserted in place. (Destructive edit, so make a copy first if desired.) Relies on splitAtQuarterLength().

  • New in v8.

>>> from import splitElementsToCompleteTuplets
>>> s = stream.Stream(
...    [note.Note(quarterLength=1/3), note.Note(quarterLength=1), note.Note(quarterLength=2/3)]
... )
>>> splitElementsToCompleteTuplets(s)
>>> [el.quarterLength for el in s.notes]
[Fraction(1, 3), Fraction(2, 3), Fraction(1, 3), Fraction(2, 3)]
>>> [el.tie for el in s.notes]
[None, <music21.tie.Tie start>, <music21.tie.Tie stop>, None]

With recurse:

>>> m = stream.Measure([note.Note(quarterLength=1/6)])
>>> m.insert(5/6, note.Note(quarterLength=1/6))
>>> m.makeRests(inPlace=True, fillGaps=True)
>>> p = stream.Part([m])
>>> splitElementsToCompleteTuplets(p, recurse=True)
>>> [el.quarterLength for el in p.recurse().notesAndRests]
[Fraction(1, 6), Fraction(1, 3), Fraction(1, 3), Fraction(1, 6)]