C code printer
The C89CodePrinter & C99CodePrinter converts single sympy expressions into
single C expressions, using the functions defined in math.h where possible.
A complete code generator, which uses ccode extensively, can be found in
sympy.utilities.codegen. The codegen module can be used to generate complete
source code files that are compilable without further modifications.
from __future__ import print_function, division
from sympy.core import S
from sympy.core.compatibility import string_types, range
from sympy.core.decorators import deprecated
from sympy.codegen.ast import Assignment
from sympy.printing.codeprinter import CodePrinter
from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence, PRECEDENCE
from sympy.sets.fancysets import Range
# dictionary mapping sympy function to (argument_conditions, C_function).
# Used in C89CodePrinter._print_Function(self)
known_functions_C89 = {
"Abs": [(lambda x: not x.is_integer, "fabs")],
"sin": "sin",
"cos": "cos",
"tan": "tan",
"asin": "asin",
"acos": "acos",
"atan": "atan",
"atan2": "atan2",
"exp": "exp",
"log": "log",
"sinh": "sinh",
"cosh": "cosh",
"tanh": "tanh",
"floor": "floor",
"ceiling": "ceil",
# move to C99 once CCodePrinter is removed:
_known_functions_C9X = dict(known_functions_C89, **{
"asinh": "asinh",
"acosh": "acosh",
"atanh": "atanh",
"erf": "erf",
"gamma": "tgamma",
known_functions = _known_functions_C9X
known_functions_C99 = dict(_known_functions_C9X, **{
"erfc": "erfc",
# These are the core reserved words in the C language. Taken from:
# http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/keyword
reserved_words = [
'auto', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'do',
'double', 'else', 'enum', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'goto', 'if', 'int',
'long', 'register', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static',
'struct', 'entry', # never standardized, we'll leave it here anyway
'switch', 'typedef', 'union', 'unsigned', 'void', 'volatile', 'while'
reserved_words_c99 = ['inline', 'restrict']
def get_math_macros():
""" Returns a dictionary with math-related macros from math.h/cmath
Note that these macros are not strictly required by the C/C++-standard.
For MSVC they are enabled by defining "_USE_MATH_DEFINES" (preferably
via a compilation flag).
Dictionary mapping sympy expressions to strings (macro names)
from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import log2, Sqrt
from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import log
from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt
return {
S.Exp1: 'M_E',
log2(S.Exp1): 'M_LOG2E',
1/log(2): 'M_LOG2E',
log(2): 'M_LN2',
log(10): 'M_LN10',
S.Pi: 'M_PI',
S.Pi/2: 'M_PI_2',
S.Pi/4: 'M_PI_4',
1/S.Pi: 'M_1_PI',
2/S.Pi: 'M_2_PI',
2/sqrt(S.Pi): 'M_2_SQRTPI',
2/Sqrt(S.Pi): 'M_2_SQRTPI',
sqrt(2): 'M_SQRT2',
Sqrt(2): 'M_SQRT2',
1/sqrt(2): 'M_SQRT1_2',
1/Sqrt(2): 'M_SQRT1_2'
[docs]class C89CodePrinter(CodePrinter):
"""A printer to convert python expressions to strings of c code"""
printmethod = "_ccode"
language = "C"
standard = "C89"
reserved_words = set(reserved_words)
_default_settings = {
'order': None,
'full_prec': 'auto',
'precision': 15,
'user_functions': {},
'human': True,
'contract': True,
'dereference': set(),
'error_on_reserved': False,
'reserved_word_suffix': '_',
_ns = '' # namespace, C++ uses 'std::'
_kf = known_functions_C89 # known_functions-dict to copy
def __init__(self, settings={}):
super(C89CodePrinter, self).__init__(settings)
self.known_functions = dict(self._kf, **settings.get('user_functions', {}))
def _rate_index_position(self, p):
return p*5
def _get_statement(self, codestring):
return "%s;" % codestring
def _get_comment(self, text):
return "// {0}".format(text)
def _declare_number_const(self, name, value):
return "double const {0} = {1};".format(name, value)
def _format_code(self, lines):
return self.indent_code(lines)
def _traverse_matrix_indices(self, mat):
rows, cols = mat.shape
return ((i, j) for i in range(rows) for j in range(cols))
def _print_Pow(self, expr):
if "Pow" in self.known_functions:
return self._print_Function(expr)
PREC = precedence(expr)
if expr.exp == -1:
return '1.0/%s' % (self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC))
elif expr.exp == 0.5:
return '%ssqrt(%s)' % (self._ns, self._print(expr.base))
elif expr.exp == S.One/3 and self.standard != 'C89':
return '%scbrt(%s)' % (self._ns, self._print(expr.base))
return '%spow(%s, %s)' % (self._ns, self._print(expr.base),
def _print_Rational(self, expr):
p, q = int(expr.p), int(expr.q)
return '%d.0L/%d.0L' % (p, q)
def _print_Indexed(self, expr):
# calculate index for 1d array
offset = getattr(expr.base, 'offset', S.Zero)
strides = getattr(expr.base, 'strides', None)
indices = expr.indices
if strides is None or isinstance(strides, str):
dims = expr.shape
shift = S.One
temp = tuple()
if strides == 'C' or strides is None:
traversal = reversed(range(expr.rank))
indices = indices[::-1]
elif strides == 'F':
traversal = range(expr.rank)
for i in traversal:
temp += (shift,)
shift *= dims[i]
strides = temp
flat_index = sum([x[0]*x[1] for x in zip(indices, strides)]) + offset
return "%s[%s]" % (self._print(expr.base.label), self._print(flat_index))
def _print_Idx(self, expr):
return self._print(expr.label)
def _print_Exp1(self, expr):
return "M_E"
def _print_Pi(self, expr):
return 'M_PI'
def _print_Infinity(self, expr):
return 'HUGE_VAL'
def _print_NegativeInfinity(self, expr):
return '-HUGE_VAL'
def _print_Piecewise(self, expr):
if expr.args[-1].cond != True:
# We need the last conditional to be a True, otherwise the resulting
# function may not return a result.
raise ValueError("All Piecewise expressions must contain an "
"(expr, True) statement to be used as a default "
"condition. Without one, the generated "
"expression may not evaluate to anything under "
"some condition.")
lines = []
if expr.has(Assignment):
for i, (e, c) in enumerate(expr.args):
if i == 0:
lines.append("if (%s) {" % self._print(c))
elif i == len(expr.args) - 1 and c == True:
lines.append("else {")
lines.append("else if (%s) {" % self._print(c))
code0 = self._print(e)
return "\n".join(lines)
# The piecewise was used in an expression, need to do inline
# operators. This has the downside that inline operators will
# not work for statements that span multiple lines (Matrix or
# Indexed expressions).
ecpairs = ["((%s) ? (\n%s\n)\n" % (self._print(c), self._print(e))
for e, c in expr.args[:-1]]
last_line = ": (\n%s\n)" % self._print(expr.args[-1].expr)
return ": ".join(ecpairs) + last_line + " ".join([")"*len(ecpairs)])
def _print_ITE(self, expr):
from sympy.functions import Piecewise
_piecewise = Piecewise((expr.args[1], expr.args[0]), (expr.args[2], True))
return self._print(_piecewise)
def _print_MatrixElement(self, expr):
return "{0}[{1}]".format(self.parenthesize(expr.parent, PRECEDENCE["Atom"],
strict=True), expr.j + expr.i*expr.parent.shape[1])
def _print_Symbol(self, expr):
name = super(C89CodePrinter, self)._print_Symbol(expr)
if expr in self._settings['dereference']:
return '(*{0})'.format(name)
return name
def _print_Relational(self, expr):
lhs_code = self._print(expr.lhs)
rhs_code = self._print(expr.rhs)
op = expr.rel_op
return ("{0} {1} {2}").format(lhs_code, op, rhs_code)
def _print_sinc(self, expr):
from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import sin
from sympy.core.relational import Ne
from sympy.functions import Piecewise
_piecewise = Piecewise(
(sin(expr.args[0]) / expr.args[0], Ne(expr.args[0], 0)), (1, True))
return self._print(_piecewise)
def _print_AugmentedAssignment(self, expr):
lhs_code = self._print(expr.lhs)
op = expr.rel_op
rhs_code = self._print(expr.rhs)
return "{0} {1} {2};".format(lhs_code, op, rhs_code)
def _print_For(self, expr):
target = self._print(expr.target)
if isinstance(expr.iterable, Range):
start, stop, step = expr.iterable.args
raise NotImplementedError("Only iterable currently supported is Range")
body = self._print(expr.body)
return ('for ({target} = {start}; {target} < {stop}; {target} += '
'{step}) {{\n{body}\n}}').format(target=target, start=start,
stop=stop, step=step, body=body)
def _print_sign(self, func):
return '((({0}) > 0) - (({0}) < 0))'.format(self._print(func.args[0]))
def _print_Max(self, expr):
if "Max" in self.known_functions:
return self._print_Function(expr)
from sympy import Max
if len(expr.args) == 1:
return self._print(expr.args[0])
return "((%(a)s > %(b)s) ? %(a)s : %(b)s)" % {
'a': expr.args[0], 'b': self._print(Max(*expr.args[1:]))}
def _print_Min(self, expr):
if "Min" in self.known_functions:
return self._print_Function(expr)
from sympy import Min
if len(expr.args) == 1:
return self._print(expr.args[0])
return "((%(a)s < %(b)s) ? %(a)s : %(b)s)" % {
'a': expr.args[0], 'b': self._print(Min(*expr.args[1:]))}
[docs] def indent_code(self, code):
"""Accepts a string of code or a list of code lines"""
if isinstance(code, string_types):
code_lines = self.indent_code(code.splitlines(True))
return ''.join(code_lines)
tab = " "
inc_token = ('{', '(', '{\n', '(\n')
dec_token = ('}', ')')
code = [line.lstrip(' \t') for line in code]
increase = [int(any(map(line.endswith, inc_token))) for line in code]
decrease = [int(any(map(line.startswith, dec_token))) for line in code]
pretty = []
level = 0
for n, line in enumerate(code):
if line == '' or line == '\n':
level -= decrease[n]
pretty.append("%s%s" % (tab*level, line))
level += increase[n]
return pretty
class _C9XCodePrinter(object):
# Move these methods to C99CodePrinter when removing CCodePrinter
def _get_loop_opening_ending(self, indices):
open_lines = []
close_lines = []
loopstart = "for (int %(var)s=%(start)s; %(var)s<%(end)s; %(var)s++){" # C99
for i in indices:
# C arrays start at 0 and end at dimension-1
open_lines.append(loopstart % {
'var': self._print(i.label),
'start': self._print(i.lower),
'end': self._print(i.upper + 1)})
return open_lines, close_lines
useinstead="C89CodePrinter or C99CodePrinter, e.g. ccode(..., standard='C99')",
class CCodePrinter(_C9XCodePrinter, C89CodePrinter):
Alias for C89CodePrinter, for backwards compatibility.
_kf = _known_functions_C9X # known_functions-dict to copy
[docs]class C99CodePrinter(_C9XCodePrinter, C89CodePrinter):
standard = 'C99'
reserved_words = set(reserved_words + reserved_words_c99)
_kf = known_functions_C99 # known_functions-dict to copy
def _print_Max(self, expr):
if "Max" in self.known_functions:
return self._print_Function(expr)
from sympy import Max
if len(expr.args) == 1:
return self._print(expr.args[0])
return "%sfmax(%s, %s)" % (self._ns, expr.args[0], self._print(Max(*expr.args[1:])))
def _print_Min(self, expr):
if "Min" in self.known_functions:
return self._print_Function(expr)
from sympy import Min
if len(expr.args) == 1:
return self._print(expr.args[0])
return "%sfmin(%s, %s)" % (self._ns, expr.args[0], self._print(Min(*expr.args[1:])))
def _print_Infinity(self, expr):
return 'INFINITY'
def _print_NegativeInfinity(self, expr):
return '-INFINITY'
def _print_NaN(self, expr):
return 'NAN'
def _print_fma(self, expr): # fused mutiply-add
return '{0}fma({1}, {2}, {3})'.format(self._ns, *map(self._print, expr.args))
def _print_log10(self, expr): # log10 in C89, but type-generic macro in C99
return '{0}log10({1})'.format(self._ns, self._print(expr.args[0]))
def _print_Sqrt(self, expr):
return '{0}sqrt({1})'.format(self._ns, self._print(expr.args[0]))
def _print_Cbrt(self, expr):
return '{0}cbrt({1})'.format(self._ns, self._print(expr.args[0]))
def _print_hypot(self, expr):
return '{0}hypot({1}, {2})'.format(self._ns, *map(self._print, expr.args))
def _print_expm1(self, expr):
return '{0}expm1({1})'.format(self._ns, self._print(expr.args[0]))
def _print_log1p(self, expr):
return '{0}log1p({1})'.format(self._ns, self._print(expr.args[0]))
def _print_exp2(self, expr):
return '{0}exp2({1})'.format(self._ns, self._print(expr.args[0]))
def _print_log2(self, expr):
return '{0}log2({1})'.format(self._ns, self._print(expr.args[0]))
def _print_loggamma(self, expr):
return '{0}lgamma({1})'.format(self._ns, self._print(expr.args[0]))
# tgamma was already covered by 'known_functions' dict
c_code_printers = {
'c89': C89CodePrinter,
'c99': C99CodePrinter,
[docs]def ccode(expr, assign_to=None, standard='c99', **settings):
"""Converts an expr to a string of c code
expr : Expr
A sympy expression to be converted.
assign_to : optional
When given, the argument is used as the name of the variable to which
the expression is assigned. Can be a string, ``Symbol``,
``MatrixSymbol``, or ``Indexed`` type. This is helpful in case of
line-wrapping, or for expressions that generate multi-line statements.
standard : str, optional
String specifying the standard. If your compiler supports a more modern
standard you may set this to 'c99' to allow the printer to use more math
functions. [default='c89'].
precision : integer, optional
The precision for numbers such as pi [default=15].
user_functions : dict, optional
A dictionary where the keys are string representations of either
``FunctionClass`` or ``UndefinedFunction`` instances and the values
are their desired C string representations. Alternatively, the
dictionary value can be a list of tuples i.e. [(argument_test,
cfunction_string)] or [(argument_test, cfunction_formater)]. See below
for examples.
dereference : iterable, optional
An iterable of symbols that should be dereferenced in the printed code
expression. These would be values passed by address to the function.
For example, if ``dereference=[a]``, the resulting code would print
``(*a)`` instead of ``a``.
human : bool, optional
If True, the result is a single string that may contain some constant
declarations for the number symbols. If False, the same information is
returned in a tuple of (symbols_to_declare, not_supported_functions,
code_text). [default=True].
contract: bool, optional
If True, ``Indexed`` instances are assumed to obey tensor contraction
rules and the corresponding nested loops over indices are generated.
Setting contract=False will not generate loops, instead the user is
responsible to provide values for the indices in the code.
>>> from sympy import ccode, symbols, Rational, sin, ceiling, Abs, Function
>>> x, tau = symbols("x, tau")
>>> ccode((2*tau)**Rational(7, 2), standard='C89')
'8*sqrt(2)*pow(tau, 7.0L/2.0L)'
>>> ccode(sin(x), assign_to="s", standard='C89')
's = sin(x);'
Simple custom printing can be defined for certain types by passing a
dictionary of {"type" : "function"} to the ``user_functions`` kwarg.
Alternatively, the dictionary value can be a list of tuples i.e.
[(argument_test, cfunction_string)].
>>> custom_functions = {
... "ceiling": "CEIL",
... "Abs": [(lambda x: not x.is_integer, "fabs"),
... (lambda x: x.is_integer, "ABS")],
... "func": "f"
... }
>>> func = Function('func')
>>> ccode(func(Abs(x) + ceiling(x)), standard='C89', user_functions=custom_functions)
'f(fabs(x) + CEIL(x))'
or if the C-function takes a subset of the original arguments:
>>> ccode(2**x + 3**x, standard='C99', user_functions={'Pow': [
... (lambda b, e: b == 2, lambda b, e: 'exp2(%s)' % e),
... (lambda b, e: b != 2, 'pow')]})
'exp2(x) + pow(3, x)'
``Piecewise`` expressions are converted into conditionals. If an
``assign_to`` variable is provided an if statement is created, otherwise
the ternary operator is used. Note that if the ``Piecewise`` lacks a
default term, represented by ``(expr, True)`` then an error will be thrown.
This is to prevent generating an expression that may not evaluate to
>>> from sympy import Piecewise
>>> expr = Piecewise((x + 1, x > 0), (x, True))
>>> print(ccode(expr, tau, standard='C89'))
if (x > 0) {
tau = x + 1;
else {
tau = x;
Support for loops is provided through ``Indexed`` types. With
``contract=True`` these expressions will be turned into loops, whereas
``contract=False`` will just print the assignment expression that should be
looped over:
>>> from sympy import Eq, IndexedBase, Idx
>>> len_y = 5
>>> y = IndexedBase('y', shape=(len_y,))
>>> t = IndexedBase('t', shape=(len_y,))
>>> Dy = IndexedBase('Dy', shape=(len_y-1,))
>>> i = Idx('i', len_y-1)
>>> e=Eq(Dy[i], (y[i+1]-y[i])/(t[i+1]-t[i]))
>>> ccode(e.rhs, assign_to=e.lhs, contract=False, standard='C89')
'Dy[i] = (y[i + 1] - y[i])/(t[i + 1] - t[i]);'
Matrices are also supported, but a ``MatrixSymbol`` of the same dimensions
must be provided to ``assign_to``. Note that any expression that can be
generated normally can also exist inside a Matrix:
>>> from sympy import Matrix, MatrixSymbol
>>> mat = Matrix([x**2, Piecewise((x + 1, x > 0), (x, True)), sin(x)])
>>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 1)
>>> print(ccode(mat, A, standard='C89'))
A[0] = pow(x, 2);
if (x > 0) {
A[1] = x + 1;
else {
A[1] = x;
A[2] = sin(x);
return c_code_printers[standard.lower()](settings).doprint(expr, assign_to)
[docs]def print_ccode(expr, **settings):
"""Prints C representation of the given expression."""
print(ccode(expr, **settings))