Welcome to SymPy’s documentation!¶
A PDF version of these docs can be found here.
SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. If you are new to SymPy, start with the Tutorial.
This is the central page for all of SymPy’s documentation.
- Installation
- SymPy Tutorial
- Gotchas and Pitfalls
- SymPy User’s Guide
- SymPy Modules Reference
- SymPy Core
- Combinatorics Module
- Number Theory
- Basic Cryptography Module
- Concrete Mathematics
- Numerical evaluation
- Structural Details of Code Generation with Sympy
- Numeric Computation
- Functions Module
- Geometry Module
- Holonomic Functions
- Symbolic Integrals
- Numeric Integrals
- Lie Algebra Module
- Logic Module
- Matrices
- Polynomials Manipulation Module
- Printing System
- Plotting Module
- Pyglet Plotting Module
- Assumptions module
- Term rewriting
- Series Module
- Sets
- Simplify
- Details on the Hypergeometric Function Expansion Module
- Stats
- Solvers
- Diophantine
- Inequality Solvers
- Solveset
- Tensor Module
- Utilities
- Parsing input
- Calculus
- Physics Module
- Category Theory Module
- Differential Geometry Module
- Vector Module
- Contributions to docs
- SymPy Special Topics
- Development Tips: Comparisons in Python
- Wiki
- SymPy Papers
- Planet SymPy
- SymPy logos
- Blogs, News, Magazines
- About
- Citing SymPy