Structural Details of Code Generation with Sympy¶
Several submodules in SymPy allow one to generate directly compilable and executable code in a variety of different programming languages from Sympy expressions. In addition, there are functions that generate Python importable objects that can evaluate SymPy expressions very efficiently.
We will start with a brief introduction to the components that make up the code generation capabilities of SymPy.
There are four main levels of abstractions:
code printers
code generators
uses codegen, and codegen uses the code
printers. sympy.utilities.autowrap
does everything: it lets you go
from SymPy expression to numerical function in the same Python process in one
step. codegen is actual code generation, i.e., to compile and use later, or to
include in some larger project.
The code printers translate the SymPy objects into actual code, like abs(x)
-> fabs(x)
(for C).
The code printers don’t print optimal code in many cases. An example of this is
powers in C. x**2
prints as pow(x, 2)
instead of x*x
. Other
optimizations (like mathematical simplifications) should happen before the code
Currently, sympy.simplify.cse_main.cse()
is not applied automatically anywhere in this
chain. It ideally happens at the codegen level, or somewhere above it.
We will iterate through the levels below.
The following three lines will be used to setup each example:
>>> from sympy import *
>>> init_printing(use_unicode=True)
>>> from import a, e, k, n, r, t, x, y, z, T, Z
>>> from import beta, omega, tau
>>> f, g = symbols('f, g', cls=Function)
Code printers (sympy.printing)¶
This is where the meat of code generation is; the translation of SymPy
expressions to specific languages. Supported languages are C
), R
), Fortran 95
), Javascript
), Julia
), Mathematica
), Octave/Matlab
), Rust
), Python (print_python, which is
actually more like a lightweight version of codegen for Python, and
, which supports many libraries
(like NumPy), and theano
). The code printers are
special cases of the other prints in SymPy (str printer, pretty printer, etc.).
An important distinction is that the code printer has to deal with assignments
(using the sympy.printing.codeprinter.Assignment
object).This serves as
building blocks for the code printers and hence the codegen
module. An
example that shows the use of Assignment
>>> from sympy.codegen.ast import Assignment
>>> mat = Matrix([x, y, z]).T
>>> known_mat = MatrixSymbol('K', 1, 3)
>>> Assignment(known_mat, mat)
K := [x y z]
>>> Assignment(known_mat, mat).lhs
>>> Assignment(known_mat, mat).rhs
[x y z]
Here is a simple example of printing a C version of a SymPy expression:
>>> expr = (Rational(-1, 2) * Z * k * (e**2) / r)
>>> expr
-Z⋅e ⋅k
>>> ccode(expr, standard='C99')
-1.0L/2.0L*Z*pow(e, 2)*k/r
>>> ccode(expr, assign_to="E", standard='C99')
E = -1.0L/2.0L*Z*pow(e, 2)*k/r;
To generate code with some math functions provided by e.g. the C99 standard we need
to import functions from sympy.codegen.cfunctions
>>> from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import expm1
>>> ccode(expm1(x), standard='C99')
expressions are converted into conditionals. If an assign_to
variable is provided an if statement is created, otherwise the ternary operator
is used. Note that if the Piecewise
lacks a default term, represented by
(expr, True)
then an error will be thrown. This is to prevent generating
an expression that may not evaluate to anything. A use case for Piecewise
>>> expr = Piecewise((x + 1, x > 0), (x, True))
>>> print(fcode(expr, tau))
if (x > 0) then
tau = x + 1
tau = x
end if
The various printers also tend to support Indexed
objects well. With
these expressions will be turned into loops, whereas
will just print the assignment expression that should be
looped over:
>>> len_y = 5
>>> mat_1 = IndexedBase('mat_1', shape=(len_y,))
>>> mat_2 = IndexedBase('mat_2', shape=(len_y,))
>>> Dy = IndexedBase('Dy', shape=(len_y-1,))
>>> i = Idx('i', len_y-1)
>>> eq = Eq(Dy[i], (mat_1[i+1] - mat_1[i]) / (mat_2[i+1] - mat_2[i]))
>>> print(jscode(eq.rhs, assign_to=eq.lhs, contract=False))
Dy[i] = (mat_1[i + 1] - mat_1[i])/(mat_2[i + 1] - mat_2[i]);
>>> Res = IndexedBase('Res', shape=(len_y,))
>>> j = Idx('j', len_y)
>>> eq = Eq(Res[j], mat_1[j]*mat_2[j])
>>> print(jscode(eq.rhs, assign_to=eq.lhs, contract=True))
for (var j=0; j<5; j++){
Res[j] = 0;
for (var j=0; j<5; j++){
for (var j=0; j<5; j++){
Res[j] = Res[j] + mat_1[j]*mat_2[j];
>>> print(jscode(eq.rhs, assign_to=eq.lhs, contract=False))
Res[j] = mat_1[j]*mat_2[j];
Custom printing can be defined for certain types by passing a dictionary of
“type” : “function” to the user_functions
kwarg. Alternatively, the
dictionary value can be a list of tuples i.e., [(argument_test,
. This can be used to call a custom Octave function:
>>> custom_functions = {
... "f": "existing_octave_fcn",
... "g": [(lambda x: x.is_Matrix, "my_mat_fcn"),
... (lambda x: not x.is_Matrix, "my_fcn")]
... }
>>> mat = Matrix([[1, x]])
>>> octave_code(f(x) + g(x) + g(mat), user_functions=custom_functions)
existing_octave_fcn(x) + my_fcn(x) + my_mat_fcn([1 x])
An example of Mathematica code printer:
>>> x_ = Function('x')
>>> expr = x_(n*T) * sin((t - n*T) / T)
>>> expr = expr / ((-T*n + t) / T)
>>> expr
⎛-T⋅n + t⎞
⎝ T ⎠
-T⋅n + t
>>> expr = summation(expr, (n, -1, 1))
>>> mathematica_code(expr)
T*x[-T]*Sin[(T + t)/T]/(T + t) + T*x[T]*Sin[(-T + t)/T]/(-T + t) + T*x[0]*Sin[
We can go through a common expression in different languages we support and see how it works:
>>> k, g1, g2, r, I, S = symbols("k, gamma_1, gamma_2, r, I, S")
>>> expr = k * g1 * g2 / (r**3)
>>> expr = expr * 2 * I * S * (3 * (cos(beta))**2 - 1) / 2
>>> expr
⎛ 2 ⎞
I⋅S⋅γ₁⋅γ₂⋅k⋅⎝3⋅cos (β) - 1⎠
>>> print(jscode(expr, assign_to="H_is"))
H_is = I*S*gamma_1*gamma_2*k*(3*Math.pow(Math.cos(beta), 2) - 1)/Math.pow(r, 3);
>>> print(ccode(expr, assign_to="H_is", standard='C89'))
H_is = I*S*gamma_1*gamma_2*k*(3*pow(cos(beta), 2) - 1)/pow(r, 3);
>>> print(fcode(expr, assign_to="H_is"))
H_is = I*S*gamma_1*gamma_2*k*(3*cos(beta)**2 - 1)/r**3
>>> print(julia_code(expr, assign_to="H_is"))
H_is = I.*S.*gamma_1.*gamma_2.*k.*(3*cos(beta).^2 - 1)./r.^3
>>> print(octave_code(expr, assign_to="H_is"))
H_is = I.*S.*gamma_1.*gamma_2.*k.*(3*cos(beta).^2 - 1)./r.^3;
>>> print(rust_code(expr, assign_to="H_is"))
H_is = I*S*gamma_1*gamma_2*k*(3*beta.cos().powi(2) - 1)/r.powi(3);
>>> print(mathematica_code(expr))
I*S*gamma_1*gamma_2*k*(3*Cos[beta]^2 - 1)/r^3
Codegen (sympy.utilities.codegen)¶
This module deals with creating compilable code from SymPy expressions. This is lower level than autowrap, as it doesn’t actually attempt to compile the code, but higher level than the printers, as it generates compilable files (including header files), rather than just code snippets.
The user friendly functions, here, are codegen
and make_routine
takes a list of (variable, expression)
pairs and a language (C,
F95, and Octave/Matlab are supported). It returns, as strings, a code file and
a header file (for relevant languages). The variables are created as functions
that return the value of the expression as output.
The codegen
callable is not in the sympy namespace automatically,
to use it you must first import codegen
from sympy.utilities.codegen
For instance:
>>> from sympy.utilities.codegen import codegen
>>> length, breadth, height = symbols('length, breadth, height')
>>> [(c_name, c_code), (h_name, c_header)] = \
... codegen(('volume', length*breadth*height), "C99", "test",
... header=False, empty=False)
>>> print(c_name)
>>> print(c_code)
#include "test.h"
#include <math.h>
double volume(double breadth, double height, double length) {
double volume_result;
volume_result = breadth*height*length;
return volume_result;
>>> print(h_name)
>>> print(c_header)
#ifndef PROJECT__TEST__H
#define PROJECT__TEST__H
double volume(double breadth, double height, double length);
Various flags to codegen
let you modify things. The project name for
preprocessor instructions can be varied using project
. Variables listed as
global variables in arg global_vars
will not show up as function arguments.
is a case-insensitive string that indicates the source code
language. Currently, C
, F95
and Octave
are supported. Octave
generates code compatible with both Octave and Matlab.
when True, a header is written on top of each source file. empty
when True, empty lines are used to structure the code. With
a sequence of arguments for the routine can be defined in
a preferred order.
defines a prefix for the names of the files that contain the source
code. If omitted, the name of the first name_expr tuple is used.
when True, the code will be written to one or more files with the
given prefix.
Here is an example:
>>> [(f_name, f_code), header] = codegen(("volume", length*breadth*height),
... "F95", header=False, empty=False, argument_sequence=(breadth, length),
... global_vars=(height,))
>>> print(f_code)
REAL*8 function volume(breadth, length)
implicit none
REAL*8, intent(in) :: breadth
REAL*8, intent(in) :: length
volume = breadth*height*length
end function
The method make_routine
creates a Routine
object, which represents an
evaluation routine for a set of expressions. This is only good for internal use
by the CodeGen objects, as an intermediate representation from SymPy expression
to generated code. It is not recommended to make a Routine
yourself. You should instead use make_routine
method. make_routine
turn calls the routine
method of the CodeGen object depending upon the
language of choice. This creates the internal objects representing assignments
and so on, and creates the Routine
class with them.
The various codegen objects such as Routine
and Variable
aren’t SymPy
objects (they don’t subclass from Basic).
For example:
>>> from sympy.utilities.codegen import make_routine
>>> from sympy.physics.hydrogen import R_nl
>>> expr = R_nl(3, y, x, 6)
>>> routine = make_routine('my_routine', expr)
>>> [arg.result_var for arg in routine.results]
>>> [arg.expr for arg in routine.results]
⎡ ___________ ⎤
⎢ y ╱ (-y + 2)! -2⋅x ⎥
⎢4⋅√6⋅(4⋅x) ⋅ ╱ ───────── ⋅ℯ ⋅assoc_laguerre(-y + 2, 2⋅y + 1, 4⋅x)⎥
⎢ ╲╱ (y + 3)! ⎥
⎣ 3 ⎦
>>> [ for arg in routine.arguments]
[x, y]
Another more complicated example with a mixture of specified and automatically-assigned names. Also has Matrix output:
>>> routine = make_routine('fcn', [x*y, Eq(a, 1), Eq(r, x + r), Matrix([[x, 2]])])
>>> [arg.result_var for arg in routine.results]
>>> [arg.expr for arg in routine.results]
>>> [ for arg in routine.arguments]
[x, y, a, r, out_8598435338387848786]
We can examine the various arguments more closely:
>>> from sympy.utilities.codegen import (InputArgument, OutputArgument,
... InOutArgument)
>>> [ for a in routine.arguments if isinstance(a, InputArgument)]
[x, y]
>>> [ for a in routine.arguments if isinstance(a, OutputArgument)]
[a, out_8598435338387848786]
>>> [a.expr for a in routine.arguments if isinstance(a, OutputArgument)]
[1, [x 2]]
>>> [ for a in routine.arguments if isinstance(a, InOutArgument)]
>>> [a.expr for a in routine.arguments if isinstance(a, InOutArgument)]
[r + x]
The full API reference can be viewed here.
Autowrap automatically generates code, writes it to disk, compiles it, and
imports it into the current session. Main functions of this module are
, binary_function
, and ufuncify
It also automatically converts expressions containing Indexed
objects into
summations. The classes IndexedBase, Indexed and Idx represent a matrix element
M[i, j]. See Tensor Module for more on this.
creates a wrapper using f2py or Cython and creates a numerical function.
The autowrap
callable is not in the sympy namespace automatically,
to use it you must first import autowrap
from sympy.utilities.autowrap
The callable returned from autowrap() is a binary Python function, not a SymPy object. For example:
>>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap
>>> expr = ((x - y + z)**(13)).expand()
>>> binary_func = autowrap(expr)
>>> binary_func(1, 4, 2)
The various flags available with autowrap() help to modify the services
provided by the method. The argument tempdir
tells autowrap to compile the
code in a specific directory, and leave the files intact when finished. For
>>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap
>>> from sympy.physics.qho_1d import psi_n
>>> x_ = IndexedBase('x')
>>> y_ = IndexedBase('y')
>>> m = symbols('m', integer=True)
>>> i = Idx('i', m)
>>> qho = autowrap(Eq(y_[i], psi_n(0, x_[i], m, omega)), tempdir='/tmp')
Checking the Fortran source code in the directory specified reveals this:
subroutine autofunc(m, omega, x, y)
implicit none
INTEGER*4, intent(in) :: m
REAL*8, intent(in) :: omega
REAL*8, intent(in), dimension(1:m) :: x
REAL*8, intent(out), dimension(1:m) :: y
INTEGER*4 :: i
REAL*8, parameter :: hbar = 1.05457162d-34
REAL*8, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979d0
do i = 1, m
y(i) = (m*omega)**(1.0d0/4.0d0)*exp(-4.74126166983329d+33*m*omega*x(i &
end do
end subroutine
Using the argument args
along with it changes argument sequence:
>>> eq = Eq(y_[i], psi_n(0, x_[i], m, omega))
>>> qho = autowrap(eq, tempdir='/tmp', args=[y, x, m, omega])
subroutine autofunc(y, x, m, omega)
implicit none
INTEGER*4, intent(in) :: m
REAL*8, intent(in) :: omega
REAL*8, intent(out), dimension(1:m) :: y
REAL*8, intent(in), dimension(1:m) :: x
INTEGER*4 :: i
REAL*8, parameter :: hbar = 1.05457162d-34
REAL*8, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979d0
do i = 1, m
y(i) = (m*omega)**(1.0d0/4.0d0)*exp(-4.74126166983329d+33*m*omega*x(i &
end do
end subroutine
The argument verbose
is boolean, optional and if True, autowrap will not
mute the command line backends. This can be helpful for debugging.
The argument language
and backend
are used to change defaults:
and f2py
to C
and Cython
. The argument helpers is used
to define auxiliary expressions needed for the main expression. If the main
expression needs to call a specialized function it should be put in the
iterable. Autowrap will then make sure that the compiled main
expression can link to the helper routine. Items should be tuples with
(<function_name>, <sympy_expression>, <arguments>)
. It is mandatory to
supply an argument sequence to helper routines.
Another method available at the autowrap
level is binary_function
. It
returns a sympy function. The advantage is that we can have very fast functions
as compared to SymPy speeds. This is because we will be using compiled
functions with Sympy attributes and methods. An illustration:
>>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import binary_function
>>> from sympy.physics.hydrogen import R_nl
>>> psi_nl = R_nl(1, 0, a, r)
>>> f = binary_function('f', psi_nl)
>>> f(a, r).evalf(3, subs={a: 1, r: 2})
While NumPy operations are very efficient for vectorized data but they sometimes incur unnecessary costs when chained together. Consider the following operation
>>> x = get_numpy_array(...)
>>> y = sin(x) / x
The operators sin
and /
call routines that execute tight for loops in
. The resulting computation looks something like this
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
temp[i] = sin(x[i]);
for(int i = i; i < n; i++)
y[i] = temp[i] / x[i];
This is slightly sub-optimal because
We allocate an extra
arrayWe walk over
memory twice when once would have been sufficient
A better solution would fuse both element-wise operations into a single for loop
for(int i = i; i < n; i++)
y[i] = sin(x[i]) / x[i];
Statically compiled projects like NumPy are unable to take advantage of such
optimizations. Fortunately, SymPy is able to generate efficient low-level C
or Fortran code. It can then depend on projects like Cython
or f2py
compile and reconnect that code back up to Python. Fortunately this process is
well automated and a SymPy user wishing to make use of this code generation
should call the ufuncify
is the third method available with Autowrap module. It basically
implies ‘Universal functions’ and follows an ideology set by Numpy. The main
point of ufuncify as compared to autowrap is that it allows arrays as arguments
and can operate in an element-by-element fashion. The core operation done
element-wise is in accordance to Numpy’s array broadcasting rules. See this for more.
>>> from sympy import *
>>> from import x
>>> expr = sin(x)/x
>>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import ufuncify
>>> f = ufuncify([x], expr)
This function f
consumes and returns a NumPy array. Generally ufuncify
performs at least as well as lambdify
. If the expression is complicated
then ufuncify
often significantly outperforms the NumPy backed solution.
Jensen has a good blog post on this topic.
Let us see an example for some quantitative analysis:
>>> from sympy.physics.hydrogen import R_nl
>>> expr = R_nl(3, 1, x, 6)
>>> expr
8⋅x⋅(-4⋅x + 4)⋅ℯ
The lambdify function translates SymPy expressions into Python functions,
leveraging a variety of numerical libraries. By default lambdify relies on
implementations in the math
standard library. Naturally, Raw Python is
faster than Sympy. However it also supports mpmath
and most notably,
. Using the numpy library gives the generated function access to
powerful vectorized ufuncs that are backed by compiled C code.
Let us compare the speeds:
>>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import ufuncify
>>> from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify
>>> fn_numpy = lambdify(x, expr, 'numpy')
>>> fn_fortran = ufuncify([x], expr, backend='f2py')
>>> from numpy import linspace
>>> xx = linspace(0, 1, 5)
>>> fn_numpy(xx)
[ 0. 1.21306132 0.98101184 0.44626032 0. ]
>>> fn_fortran(xx)
[ 0. 1.21306132 0.98101184 0.44626032 0. ]
>>> import timeit
>>> timeit.timeit('fn_numpy(xx)', 'from __main__ import fn_numpy, xx', number=10000)
>>> timeit.timeit('fn_fortran(xx)', 'from __main__ import fn_fortran, xx', number=10000)
The options available with ufuncify are more or less the same as those
available with autowrap
There are other facilities available with Sympy to do efficient numeric computation. See this page for a comparison among them.
Special (finite precision arithmetic) math functions¶
Functions with corresponding implementations in C.
The functions defined in this module allows the user to express functions such as expm1
as a SymPy function for symbolic manipulation.
(*args)[source]¶ Represents the cube root function.
The reason why one would use
is that the latter is internally represented asPow(x, Rational(1, 3))
which may not be what one wants when doing code-generation.See also
>>> from import x >>> from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import Cbrt >>> Cbrt(x) Cbrt(x) >>> Cbrt(x).diff(x) 1/(3*x**(2/3))
(*args)[source]¶ Represents the square root function.
The reason why one would use
is that the latter is internally represented asPow(x, S.Half)
which may not be what one wants when doing code-generation.See also
>>> from import x >>> from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import Sqrt >>> Sqrt(x) Sqrt(x) >>> Sqrt(x).diff(x) 1/(2*sqrt(x))
(arg)[source]¶ Represents the exponential function with base two.
The benefit of using
is that the latter is not as efficient under finite precision arithmetic.See also
>>> from import x >>> from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import exp2 >>> exp2(2).evalf() == 4 True >>> exp2(x).diff(x) log(2)*exp2(x)
(arg)[source]¶ Returns a canonical form of cls applied to arguments args.
The eval() method is called when the class cls is about to be instantiated and it should return either some simplified instance (possible of some other class), or if the class cls should be unmodified, return None.
Examples Of Eval() For The Function “sign”
@classmethod def eval(cls, arg):
- if arg is S.NaN:
return S.NaN
if arg is S.Zero: return S.Zero if arg.is_positive: return S.One if arg.is_negative: return S.NegativeOne if isinstance(arg, Mul):
coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True) if coeff is not S.One:
return cls(coeff) * cls(terms)
(arg)[source]¶ Represents the exponential function minus one.
The benefit of using
overexp(x) - 1
is that the latter is prone to cancellation under finite precision arithmetic when x is close to zero.See also
>>> from import x >>> from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import expm1 >>> '%.0e' % expm1(1e-99).evalf() '1e-99' >>> from math import exp >>> exp(1e-99) - 1 0.0 >>> expm1(x).diff(x) exp(x)
(arg)[source]¶ Returns a canonical form of cls applied to arguments args.
The eval() method is called when the class cls is about to be instantiated and it should return either some simplified instance (possible of some other class), or if the class cls should be unmodified, return None.
Examples Of Eval() For The Function “sign”
@classmethod def eval(cls, arg):
- if arg is S.NaN:
return S.NaN
if arg is S.Zero: return S.Zero if arg.is_positive: return S.One if arg.is_negative: return S.NegativeOne if isinstance(arg, Mul):
coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True) if coeff is not S.One:
return cls(coeff) * cls(terms)
(*args)[source]¶ Represents “fused multiply add”.
The benefit of using
fma(x, y, z)
overx*y + z
is that, under finite precision arithmetic, the former is supported by special instructions on some CPUs.Examples
>>> from import x, y, z >>> from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import fma >>> fma(x, y, z).diff(x) y
(*args)[source]¶ Represents the hypotenuse function.
The hypotenuse function is provided by e.g. the math library in the C99 standard, hence one may want to represent the function symbolically when doing code-generation.
>>> from import x, y >>> from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import hypot >>> hypot(3, 4).evalf() == 5 True >>> hypot(x, y) hypot(x, y) >>> hypot(x, y).diff(x) x/hypot(x, y)
(arg)[source]¶ Represents the logarithm function with base ten.
See also
>>> from import x >>> from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import log10 >>> log10(100).evalf() == 2 True >>> log10(x).diff(x) 1/(x*log(10))
(arg)[source]¶ Returns a canonical form of cls applied to arguments args.
The eval() method is called when the class cls is about to be instantiated and it should return either some simplified instance (possible of some other class), or if the class cls should be unmodified, return None.
Examples Of Eval() For The Function “sign”
@classmethod def eval(cls, arg):
- if arg is S.NaN:
return S.NaN
if arg is S.Zero: return S.Zero if arg.is_positive: return S.One if arg.is_negative: return S.NegativeOne if isinstance(arg, Mul):
coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True) if coeff is not S.One:
return cls(coeff) * cls(terms)
(arg)[source]¶ Represents the natural logarithm of a number plus one.
The benefit of using
overlog(x + 1)
is that the latter is prone to cancellation under finite precision arithmetic when x is close to zero.See also
>>> from import x >>> from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import log1p >>> '%.0e' % log1p(1e-99).evalf() '1e-99' >>> from math import log >>> log(1 + 1e-99) 0.0 >>> log1p(x).diff(x) 1/(x + 1)
(arg)[source]¶ Returns a canonical form of cls applied to arguments args.
The eval() method is called when the class cls is about to be instantiated and it should return either some simplified instance (possible of some other class), or if the class cls should be unmodified, return None.
Examples Of Eval() For The Function “sign”
@classmethod def eval(cls, arg):
- if arg is S.NaN:
return S.NaN
if arg is S.Zero: return S.Zero if arg.is_positive: return S.One if arg.is_negative: return S.NegativeOne if isinstance(arg, Mul):
coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True) if coeff is not S.One:
return cls(coeff) * cls(terms)
(arg)[source]¶ Represents the logarithm function with base two.
The benefit of using
is that the latter is not as efficient under finite precision arithmetic.Examples
>>> from import x >>> from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import log2 >>> log2(4).evalf() == 2 True >>> log2(x).diff(x) 1/(x*log(2))
(arg)[source]¶ Returns a canonical form of cls applied to arguments args.
The eval() method is called when the class cls is about to be instantiated and it should return either some simplified instance (possible of some other class), or if the class cls should be unmodified, return None.
Examples Of Eval() For The Function “sign”
@classmethod def eval(cls, arg):
- if arg is S.NaN:
return S.NaN
if arg is S.Zero: return S.Zero if arg.is_positive: return S.One if arg.is_negative: return S.NegativeOne if isinstance(arg, Mul):
coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True) if coeff is not S.One:
return cls(coeff) * cls(terms)
Fortran specific functions¶
Functions with corresponding implementations in Fortran.
The functions defined in this module allows the user to express functions such as dsign
as a SymPy function for symbolic manipulation.
(*args)[source]¶ Fortran sign intrinsic with for double precision arguments.
(*args)[source]¶ Fortran sign intrinsic with for integer arguments.
(num, dps=None, prec=None, precision=None)[source]¶ Fortran double precision real literal