DOKK / manpages / debian 12 / corosync-qnetd / corosync-qnetd-tool.8.en

corosync-qnetd-tool - corosync-qnetd control interface.

corosync-qnetd-tool [-Hhlsv] [-c cluster_name] [-p qnetd_ipc_socket_path]

corosync-qnetd-tool is a frontend to the internal corosync-qnetd IPC. Its main purpose is to show important information about the current internal state of corosync-qnetd.

Properly shutdown the corosync-qnetd process
Display a short usage text
List all clients connected to the corosync-qnetd process. The output is described in its own section below.
Display status of the corosync-qnetd process.
Display more verbose output for options -l and -s
Used only with the -l option. By default, information about all clients from all clusters is displayed, with this option it's possible to filter information from a single cluster given the cluster_name.
Path to the corosync-qnetd communication socket.

Cluster "Cluster":

Algorithm: Fifty-Fifty split (KAP Tie-breaker)
Tie-breaker: Node with lowest node ID
Node ID 1:
Client address: ::ffff:
HB interval: 8000ms
Configured node list: 1, 2
Ring ID: 1.a00000000021b40
Membership node list: 1, 2
TLS active: Yes (client certificate verified)
Vote: No change (ACK)

The output contains a list of clusters. Each cluster has the cluster common options Algorithm (optionally with Keep Active Partition Tie Breaker information) and Tie-breaker as configured in the corosync.conf file. Information about nodes follows. Client address is the IP address and port of the client. HB interval is the heartbeat interval between corosync-qnetd and corosync-qdevice client. This option can be configured in corosync.conf. Configured node list is the list of nodes configured in corosync.conf. Ring ID and Membership node list are self-explanatory. TLS active describes if an encrypted transport is used between server and client. Vote is last vote sent to corosync-qdevice client. The last ACK/NACK vote (if it exists) is in parentheses.

corosync-qnetd(8) corosync-qdevice(8)

Jan Friesse
